To Change Our World From The Outside We Must 1st Change Ourselves from the Inside.

To know where one is going one must 1st know where one has been. This takes courage and the will to accept our errors of the past so that we may begin to forge a new life in this world by learning from them and not making them again. The most profound change taking place in the world today is the change of the individual. The change which is taking place with the hearts of individuals who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

We are here for a purpose and have been sent to serve and give to the world and to others in specific and meaningful ways. To see this for oneself one must begin to change the way they 1st look at themselves and then the world. If I change the way I look at things the things I look at change.

“It is becoming evident to ever increasing numbers of people that great change is needed if humanity is to meet the challenges of its time. Great change is needed in how governments function and in how people behave and respond. Great change is needed in many organizations and institutions to adapt to a changing set of circumstances in the world.”

“Many people proclaim the need for change, but they want other people to change. They themselves do not want to really change. They want to hold on to their privileges and benefits and have more, and lash out at anyone or anything they think will threaten their entitlements and their possessions. There is a clamoring for change, but who will change, and what will change?”

After reading these passages a few years ago, I felt a desire and a strong need to change the way I was thinking so that my outside circumstances could begin to change. I took a deep evaluation of the relationships I had with the people in my life and the things in my life. After looking at each of them and if they served a purpose in my life, I decided to begin to let go of the people and the things which didn’t serve me or my life in a meaningful and purposeful way. This gave my life a simplicity it never really had before. This was and still is a slow and sometimes painful process. Yet, in this journey I have learned and grown so much from my unburdening and my unlearning that I have the energy and the space to start anew. This has proven not only inspiring to me but it has given me more room for compassion and forgiveness of myself and others. For in letting go certain people and things and even places in my life it has given me the capacity to let go resentments and anger because I became ready. For I learned how to let go by letting go. It has been an amazing gift to me which was not foreseen when I 1st started out on this journey of letting go.

“You must assess your real needs, the deeper needs within yourself, and contrast them with your preferences and your desires. If a need is genuine, it stands apart from what you simply want. There are primary needs of course—the need for food, water, shelter, safety and security. There is the need for true companionship, a need to be engaged with other people in meaningful and productive ways. These are essential needs. They must be met or you cannot function in the world.”

“Then, of course, there is the need for a greater kind of relationship based upon what you are really here to accomplish. That begins to move you into a higher level of need, the need of the soul—the need to find the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life within the world. There are psychological needs for creativity and productivity, for recognition from others and for honest and productive communication.”

So real change for me is what I serve and why and then in what I do in the world and with others to make it a better place for us ALL and not just a select few. “Real change is a change of heart. It is a change in the way you feel about things and a change in the way you see yourself and your life. It is a change not only in perception, but in what you choose to do as a result. That is the real change.” For what we do together far outweighs what we do alone. For we can do Nothing Alone. Let me repeat that-We Can Do Nothing Alone!

“Otherwise you are facing a situation where people want to keep what they have and have more. Whether their needs are authentic or not, that is their position. They will elect leaders of the land who they think will give them what they want, even if it leads the nation to ruin. Any leader who claims that they are a candidate of change really will have to ask people to change the way they see themselves and to have a change of heart because that is the level at which real change takes place.”

Here our whole paradigm of living must change for it is founded in competition and in this competition is born ambition. From ambition greed is born and from this corruption. This is the world we live in today. This is the world we have come to serve. And yet it can only change if the individual begins to change starting with one and then blossoming from there. All it takes is ONE person to change and for others to recognize the benefit and the meaning that these changes hold for the many.

The world is changing at such an accelerating pace in all aspects of life. Here are some of the things taking place in the world now. Can you see where changes are needed? If so, what can you do within your own life 1st to contribute to those changes?




Jim Brennan: