A Revelation For The Whole World To Hear.

I pray this Revelation when listened to and experienced opens up many more hearts and minds throughout the world! Nasi Novare Coram

We have all been sent here to do specific things with specific people. It is a Relationship with Destiny. Many in the world have no idea what we are all a part of. Yet, the Creator has spoken to the world again to give us what we need to begin to find out where we come from and why we are here now.

This Revelation https://www.community.newmessage.org/relationships-of-destiny-rbe/ is for the whole world. I pray you come to listen to it with and open heart and mind. For it is speaking to another part of you. A part you know little of but is with you always and is who you truly are. This part of us is and always will be connected to its Source.

If each of us knew what it took to bring us into this world at this time we would be living a much different life based in purpose.

“You were sent into the world for a greater purpose, a greater purpose that you have not yet discovered. This greater purpose is held within a deeper Knowledge within you, within a deeper Intelligence within you called Knowledge. It will emerge when you are ready to participate within it, and when you have come to realize and experience the deeper need of your soul—to know your purpose, your meaning and your true direction in life.” https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-2/love-and-relationships/relationships-of-destiny/

May the Presence be with you and you with it. It has been a honor to be a part of this blog and share with you all what has been given to me and to the world.

Nasi Novare Coram

Alison and Jim B.: