Feeling Change

There are so many changes taking place in our world. Some can see them and some perhaps many can feel them for that is why they have been sent into this world at this time. We as a race will be seeing these changes more and more as time goes on and we are not prepared for them. We must begin to follow what we feel; for many are feeling the changes that are here but are not accepting their presence out of fear, preference or denial. “Great change is coming to the world, and people around the world are feeling this and sensing this and seeing the evidence of this. But the great change exceeds people’s concerns and expectations.

We all have a life to live but many of us don’t know what that truly is. It is time to find the true purpose for bringing you into this world. It is with you! You must begin to seek it out. The need of the soul is strong. You will always have that feeling of emptiness or being alone until you begin to fulfill the most fundamental need you have…the need of your soul.

“For humanity has disrupted the world so sufficiently that now you are facing a different kind of world—a new world, a world of different dimensions, a world that will be quite new to your experience in so many ways, a world with a new climate, a world of diminishing resources, a world of growing economic and political upheaval and conflict, a world of greater stress and uncertainty, a world of erupting situations and natural catastrophes, a world where your food production will decline with the changing climate.”

“At the surface of your mind, you are swept by the winds of the world. You are chaotic. Your life does not seem to have a true direction. You are influenced by so many things from the outside. Your life can feel chaotic, confused, disorganized, disintegrated, disregulated—however you may choose to describe it.”

“But at a deeper level beneath the surface of the mind, there is a greater Intelligence within you. This Intelligence is here to guide you, to protect you and to prepare you to live a greater life in service to living in a new world.”

When we begin to acknowledge the feelings we have of the changes taking place in the world we can begin to see them honestly. Embracing these changes and learning how to cope with them in an honest way gives us strength and courage. This gives us confidence in our own abilities to face them and to turn to our inner most compass called Knowledge to guide us and protect us in times of need, in times of disaster and in times of calamity. Yet, this also is a beacon of light for others to see when the darkness of the world is upon them. For the world will become much darker in the times to come and it needs beacons of light to shine in service and contribution to others so that we have the light of heaven to shine through you, through me so others can see that there is hope in the times ahead.

“It could be said that the experience of Knowledge is the experience of profound honesty. This is the result of wanting to know the truth above and beyond all other considerations. It could be said that learning The Way of Knowledge is learning the way of honesty—going beyond the honesty of what you feel and think into the honesty of what you truly know.”

“But at a deeper level beneath the surface of the mind, there is a greater Intelligence within you. This Intelligence is here to guide you, to protect you and to prepare you to live a greater life in service to living in a new world.”

“To begin, [you] must be honest with [your] inclinations, at least insofar as to realize that [you] must gain a greater freedom, ability and participation in life. You must have this honesty just to begin. Many people are not yet this honest. You must have greater honesty to be able to look at the Greater Community presence in the world and to gain the vantage point to see what it really is and what is really happening.”

For humanity has disrupted the world so sufficiently that now you are facing a different kind of world—a new world, a world of different dimensions, a world that will be quite new to your experience in so many ways, a world with a new climate, a world of diminishing resources, a world of growing economic and political upheaval and conflict, a world of greater stress and uncertainty, a world of erupting situations and natural catastrophes, a world where your food production will decline with the changing climate.

The world and the changes taking place are accelerating at a rapid pace. Is humanity prepared to meet the needs and challenges of these changes and will we be able to see that we must be of service to others and not just ourselves. Here is one article that is worth reading for this problem and the issues that will follow must be looked at with clear eyes and open hearts. Change in the physical manifest world is a constant. Things are always changing and we can feel these changes within us. Do we ever look at what we are feeling and why? Can we begin to take those feelings and do something with them for the betterment of this world? I feel that we can! But it takes practice and determination to know what we feel and then feel what we know! To follow what we know deep within us is to follow Gods plan for us no matter what the consequences or outcomes may be. To be able to follow what one knows without questioning this takes great courage, honesty and determination! Can we do this and do it consistently? Only time will tell.

To fly above this earth at 30 thousand feet up and look down I am often reminded of how trivial and meaningless many things are in life on the ground. And for a brief moment in time I am given the answer to my question on life: Is this all there is? No, there is much more to life than what we experience on the ground. Life is full of purpose, meaning and direction if I have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. That we are never alone for our Teachers are with us to guide us toward that purpose and meaning life holds for each of us. All we have to do is look for it! This is a good place to start: https://stepstoknowledge.com/


Follow your hearts and you will be amazed at the journey you will encounter and the Mystery that awaits you.

Jim Brennan: