You Carry Within You A Great Power For Change

We all have two minds. The personal mind which help us navigate the physical world and its difficulties and struggles and then we have a Deeper Mind called Knowledge. This deeper mind is what we have brought with us from where we have come from to follow so that we may be of service and contribution to others and to a world in tremendous need. This deeper mind holds our purpose for being here in this world. It knows who we must meet and what we must do. It is certain, it cannot be manipulated or influenced by the world or others. It has and always will be connected to its Source, The Divine…The Creator of All Life. To get a better idea and to have a preparation to become stronger with your deeper intelligent mind you must have a practice or curriculum to follow. This is why “The Steps To Knowledge” has been given to the world.


Great change is coming to the world and to navigate this change we must begin to see the reality we are all a part of clearly. The personal mind cannot do this because of its fears and obsession; you need a deeper mind to guide you. A mind that is certain and knows what you must do. A mind that guides you and protects you from harm. This is the deeper mind called Knowledge.

There are so many changes taking place in the world. There is so much confusion and chaos. There is so much corruption and deceit within humanity. There is so much dishonesty. And dishonesty is why we are in the situations we find ourselves in as individuals and a world; for we do not know how to be honest and this is our dilemma.

Such a deep and informative Revelation about Honesty. As in many things we perceive these things like honesty are not what we think they are; but much deeper and profound.

“These great thresholds require tremendous self-evaluation and re-evaluation. They take honesty to a whole new level, for it is not enough to admit to what you think or feel or believe. The great honesty is feeling what you know. It is being united with what you know. To become united with what you know, you must become aware of what you know. You must accept what you know. You must discern what you know from the other preoccupations in your mind, from the other forces in your mind and from all of the persuasion and conditioning that have shaped you and formed you thus far.”

“When you learn to sort out your mind, which can only be done in stages, you create a lot of space in your mind. Your mind is no longer filled to the brim with ideas and beliefs and memories. You have sorted things out because at every threshold you must sort things out even more. And in practicing The Way of Knowledge, you learn to become still while over time things that are not real or are not meaningful to you now just fall away. This creates a lot of space and openness in the mind, a lot of space and openness for Knowledge to fill.”

“Here it is necessary to realize that there are two minds within you. There is the mind with which you think and there is the Mind with which you know. Our emphasis is to bring your thinking mind together with the knowing Mind, in service to the knowing Mind, for this is the thinking mind’s true relationship with Knowledge. And this is what gives your thinking mind true efficacy and value.”

“If you encounter something new in life, then you must go deep within yourself and ask yourself, “Is this important for me to learn?” And you must not listen to your mind, for your mind will simply reassert its old ideas. You must listen deeper. You must listen at the level of your heart, your Being. This is honesty.”

We live on a wild planet full of change much of it being natural change. But the change we are facing now is one of our Climate. We have degraded the world to such an extent that nature is telling us that the consequences are on their way and these consequences will be catastrophic if we as a race do not mitigate them in the next 10 years.


So, with much change coming to the world one must be prepared both within and without. For whether we think or believe this will occur or it won’t does not negate the reality in which we are a part of and the reality we are facing now and into the future.


When you sit at your table at night eating dinner or just talking…look out into the world and then feel what you are feeling inside. This feeling you get is telling you something! And the Creator of All life is asking us to listen to what we feel.

Jim Brennan: