What If?

What if you felt and knew deep within you that you are here in the world on a mission? What if you knew that you were here to do something specific with specific people so that the world and others in it could benefit from your choices and actions and could dissipate the corruption, the greed and deception we see in the world? What if you felt this calling more and more within you because of what you were feeling as the world changes and turns like the seasons? Would you be interested in finding out more about what this is and means for you? That this change has a purpose and you are connected to it with your own purpose for being here. A purpose you were sent into the world with and must find while here by remembering where it is you come from and who sent you.

Many are feeling this sense of calling because of what they feel and see around them in the world for these events are all connected to why each of us is here. The Covid 19 pandemic is awakening people to their inner most selves and helping many, who can see, what truly matters in this life. What matters is relationships and what one serves and why one serves. What we do is also of high importance because what we do affects many others in this world even without us knowing it at the time. What we do carries with it power and genuine love if it is imbued with Knowledge, the deeper intelligence we all carry with us which is waiting to express itself through us when we have cultivated our own lives and have developed sufficiently enough to let it shine, like a beacon of light in a world which is becoming darker as we speak. If this light is allowed to shine it will affect the world in so many ways and will last in this world for the future of it and the generations which follow.

We have been sent into the world by our Spiritual Family to complete a mission on earth. Can you feel this calling within you? Can you respond?


Here Marshall Vian Summers talks about who we really are and the Mystery of our lives and existence here on earth. So many of us are beginning to question our existence here because of what we feel inside. We are changing within because our world is changing from without and these events are linked to why we have come here and what it is we must do.

I feel that compassion in our world is needed more than ever now. We must begin to see how we affect one another in positive as well as negative ways in the mental environment. We must begin to see that what we think, what we do and what we say all are effecting others in a very powerful way. This is why we must begin to learn more of the mental environment and why compassion and tolerance as well as being firm, discerning and discreet will be of great value more and more in the future.

Alison and Jim B.: