Tribulations in the World

When I look at this troubled world, it is easy to become depressed or cynical. The tribulations in the world seem endless.

There are so many problems: hunger, poverty, incurable diseases, endless wars, hatred, bigotry, environmental destruction, slaughter of animals, abuse of children…and the list goes on and on and on…

It makes me tired writing about just a few of the world’s problems! However, there is a healthy way to look at these tribulations in the World and to develop a productive response:

Let not the tribulations in the world give you great anxiety. Let not the threats of destruction arouse your fear. Let not the injustices of this world stimulate your anger, for if they do, you are looking without Knowledge. You are seeing your own failed idealism. This is not the way of seeing, and so it is not the way of giving. You were sent to give, and your giving is intrinsic to you. You do not need to control it, for it will give of itself when you are prepared. Therefore, your service to the world at this moment is your preparation to be a contributor, and though this will not give you instant gratification for your need to give, it will pave the way for a greater service to be rendered.

Steps To Knowledge, Step 101

This perspective of being a contributor to a world in great need has been a real life changer for me.

I can honestly look at the tribulations in the world without being overwhelmed by them. I can see my place in the world without feeling insignificant. I see the world as a place of service – not a place of suffering. My life has meaning rather than disillusionment.

It won’t be easy to become a contributor, but finally, I see a pathway out of a world of despair, depression and failed idealism.

The preparation to become a contributor to fixing the tribulations in the world is the Steps to Knowledge:

Alison and Jim B.: