The World is Changing Because It Is A Part Of Nature.

“You are preparing for a new world, a world that has already changed, a world that has been changed by human ignorance, abuse and neglect. You passed the line some time ago, where the world changed imperceptibly, an unknown marker in the evolution of humanity.”

“Now you are in a new world—a world unlike the world you are accustomed to, a world with a changing and different climate, a world with diminishing resources, a world of polluted and contaminated rivers and soils, a world where ever-growing numbers of people will be drinking from a slowly shrinking well.”

“This is the new world. It has changed already. But people have not changed. Perhaps you have not really changed, except in superficial ways. People do not know they are living in a different world—a new world, a world that will be much more disorderly, a world where nature will change the terms of engagement in subtle and dramatic ways, a world that could have been foreseen and has been foreseen by certain prescient individuals, a world for which humanity is sadly unprepared and still does not recognize.”

Many of us cannot see life or the world objectively for we are blinded and persuaded by our own fears, our own wants and our own desires. To see Reality for what it truly is we must begin to look without preference, without belief and without assumptions. If one would just contemplate and consider this one idea and then begin to practice it in their lives one would know just how difficult this is and how much practice it will take to get good at. Fear here is what keeps us immobile because we either are in fear of losing what we have or in fear of not getting what we want. Yet, Knowledge within us is moving us forward but we must be free enough to move and many of us are not because of our fear.

The World is changing and if we cannot learn how to change with it then we will become a victim of it.

The Corona Pandemic is a good example of this. For some there is opportunity and for others struggle and suffering. To see what is coming in the future one must learn how to see the signs of the world and to feel the signs from within for they are both connected at a deeper level. The outer world and its landscapes are what we must learn how to navigate. Our inner world and what lies within us is what will help us in so many ways to navigate the times ahead. Blessings to you all for each of your lives are important because the world needs you now more than ever.

Alison and Jim B.: