Study: Climate change raises risks of power outages

An article by the Baltimore Sun highlights the vulnerability of communities living on the east coast of the US to increased incidents of power outage as a result of the effects of climate change:

With flooding already on the rise along the East Coast, a new study led by the Johns Hopkins University suggests that urban dwellers may have more to worry about from climate change than just getting their feet wet if they live near the water. People in some inland cities who think they’re safe from tropical storms could find themselves in the dark longer or more often.

In the December issue of Climatic Change, researchers suggest that increases in storm frequency, as predicted by some climate scientists, are likely to aggravate power outages in hurricane-prone areas like Miami or New Orleans. But if hurricanes become more intense, as many climate researchers expect, the study found severe outages could occur in areas that now suffer relatively few storm landfalls — such as New York, Philadelphia and Hartford, Conn.

To read more about the changing world and what you can do to prepare, please visit: www.greatwavesofchange.org

Jim Brennan: