Stealing from the Future

Jane Goodall, 78-year-old veteran environmental activist and scientist, is famous for her work with and on behalf of chimpanzees. Over the years she has inspired countless environmentalists with her efforts to aid a changing world. Speaking recently on the subject of climate change, Goodall said: “We’ve just been stealing, stealing, stealing from our children.” The New Message from God puts it this way:

“At this moment, people are selling their children’s future away. They are creating a nightmarish future for their children by the way that they live, what they consume, what they believe and what they assume to be true, based upon their own habits and personal preference.” –Planetary Instability (March 14, 2011)

There is a Cost to Stealing from the Future

While there is no vengeful god who will punish humanity for the foolish stealing from the future, retribution will come. Retribution will come from nature itself. To quote the New Revelation again:

“Humanity has done great harm to the world, to the natural balance, to the plants and the animals of the world. Humanity has done great harm to the life-sustaining systems of the world—blind, foolish, arrogant, destructive, unaccountable to the future and unresponsive to the consequences of the human impact. The world has been violated. And thus the world will create retribution, but it will not be God’s retribution. It will be the retribution that humanity has created for itself and the retribution born of errors. The world is a living system, a complex web of life. Break the web, and it will affect you because you are part of this web of life. You are part of the fabric of life in this world. Because you are living in the physical reality, because you depend upon the physical reality to live now, you are part of this fabric. Break the fabric, break the web, and you will have to face the consequences.” –from The  Retribution, Jan 3, 2010

We can give back and stop stealing from the World

Without a concerted effort from the human family, we will be consumed by the world stealing from the future. Humanity will either completely destroy itself, or what remains will be enslaved by an alien occupation.

Steps to Knowledge is the way to give back to the world and to help stop humanity from stealing from the future. Building one’s essential relationship with Knowledge–the deeper certainty God has placed within every person–is the most important step you can take to begin to help this world in need. You are here to help. It is no accident that you were born in this time, in this world. Build the bridge to Knowledge within you, and you will no longer be stealing from the future, but giving the greatest gift, to the whole changing world.

Jim Brennan: