South Korea has its first two deaths from MERS

The BBC reports on South Korea’s first fatalities from MERS and the measures being taken to limit the spread of the disease:

2 people have died from MERS in South Korea, the first two fatalities from the disease in the country.
Image credit: taesmileland on freedigitalphotos.net

Two people have died of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (Mers) in South Korea, becoming the country’s first fatalities from the disease.

The first victim was a 58-year-old woman who had contact with the original case, a South Korean who visited the Middle East.

A 71-year-old man also died.

The vast majority of cases have been in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, but South Korea has reported 17 since last month.

More than 680 people, who may have come into contact with the infected patients, have been placed in isolation.

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Jim Brennan: