Chile’s Atacama Region Hit By Floods

The Guardian reports on the floods currently affecting the Atacama region in Northern Chile:

Chile’s Atacama region has recently (March 2015) been hit by freak downpours and floods, resulting in deaths and people being evacuated from their homes.
Image credit: xura on freedigitalphotos.net

The president of Chile has flown to the Atacama region in the country’s north where freak rains and flooding left at least seven people dead and others needing evacuation by air from swamped homes.

Communities in the desert region were struggling on Thursday to cope with a disaster that knocked out power and cut off roadways. Thunderstorms with torrential rains moved into the Atacama on Tuesday, causing the Copiapo river to overflow its banks.

Fears of mudslides prompted authorities to evacuate thousands from their homes in “the worst rain disaster to fall on the north in 80 years”, said the deputy interior minister, Mahmud Aleuy.

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Jim Brennan: