Can We Adapt as A Race to Face the Great Waves of Change?

“The question will surely arise: What can you expect regarding the Great Waves of change?”

Specifically, what will take place will be determined in part by humanity’s ability to respond and to prepare. What will take place is that the world will become warmer, producing greater loss of food production and great scarcity of water resources in many places in the world while there will be tremendous flooding in other places. Energy resources will diminish, creating economic upheaval and in some places even collapse.”

“In considering the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and humanity’s encounter with intelligent life in the universe—the two great events of this era of human evolution—it is necessary to understand what one must do to adapt to these changing circumstances. For even if humanity musters a great effort to counteract the impact of a deteriorating environment; of a changing climate; of diminishing food, water and energy resources; and even if humanity were to gain a greater unity and cooperation in facing the reality that your world is being penetrated by forces from beyond, from the universe in which you live, you will still have to adapt to changing circumstances.”

“This adaptation then must be accepted, for if you think that technology or some kind of magic or government policy will be able to prevent this requirement for adaptation, you will be making a very serious mistake and will be denying yourselves the time necessary to prepare for a great change in your circumstances. This adaptation is critical for humanity’s well-being, survival and potential for the future. For there must be a very great change in how people live and how they regard their relationship with the world and with one another. As things stand today, this change will be brought about by a few courageous people, but the majority of people will continue to plunder the world and to demand and expect ever-greater things from their governments and their religion, from one another and even from God.”

“Indeed, what are you preparing for? You are preparing for a world that will experience grave shortages of food and water in certain areas, and overall will have to face diminishing resources concerning energy, and even very basic materials that you rely upon and that people everywhere rely upon. This is the consequence of humanity living beyond its means for so very long. It is as if the bill has come due after one has borrowed so heavily from your natural inheritance.”

“The world has been speaking to you. The signs of the world have been speaking to you, but you have missed so very much, concerned only with your interests and your problems, your conflicts and your concerns, missing the cues of the world, not recognizing the movement of things.”

“You are adapting to a world where it will be more difficult to live. And you will require greater innovation in your technology and a greater cooperation between your nations. But even here, you will not be able to offset completely the great changes that will come to the way you live and to your priorities.”

“If you pay attention, the world will tell you what is coming. Knowledge within you, the deeper Intelligence that God has given you, will indicate the steps that you must follow—the beginning steps and all the steps that proceed thereon.”

I have been watching “Eat Pray and Love” and the feelings I have felt about life and of my own life have surfaced. I can remember many times searching for that “true happiness” we have all been conditioned to want and have and thinking “will I ever have true happiness? Traveling the world as I did for years searching for something I thought the world had for me never really knowing that what I was searching for was mostly within me; although the world holds a part of it, the ones I must meet hold a part of it and the Unseen Ones hold a part of it. Watching this movie now gives me the opportunity to feel and experience being grateful…for now I know what it is we are all searching for but many don’t know where to look. Because of the New Message from God, the sacrifice of Marshall, Patricia and Reed, the Society the sacrifice of the Allies of humanity and the ability to receive what I must and then give it back is the gift I was searching for. And now being a student of the The Way of Knowledge I can live and still search because I have found the mountain that I was searching for to climb. I am grateful for all of you who are climbing that mountain with me and searching and finding as we go. Nasi Novare Coram

I lived my life for years conditioned to believe that success and being “truly happy” was all there was to life. After getting clean and sober I found that what I was feeling inside of me was a calling to a life that was far greater than what I had envisioned or was taught. To live life fully for me means to be of service and contribution to others and to a world in great need! I feel that in these 2 paragraphs which you are reading are speaking to you and your life immensely. All you need to do is just take the time to listen to yourself and what your deeper nature is saying and what it is calling out of you. STOP, BECOME AWARE, MAKE A CHOICE and FOLLOW THROUGH.

Great Change is upon us as a RACE and we are not prepared. To prepare for something means you must 1st acknowledge that you need to follow a curriculum in order to prepare. The areas in blue are sites which contain such a curriculum for the times ahead.

The Covid Pandemic and especially now the death of George Floyd are clear signs that our world is changing. Climate change is not the only change taking place. Political and social unrest is on the rise and will be rising higher in the days, the months and the years ahead! It is time now to find and to feel what is speaking within you my friend and respond to these things in a productive way.

Alison and Jim B.: