California wildfires on the rise in this changing world?

The Los Angeles Times reports that 15 large California wildfires are raging in San Diego County and the surrounding region, in the United States. Structures have been destroyed and over one hundred thousand people have been evacuated. Many thousands of acres have been burned. Hot Santa Ana winds have been indicated as a major factor causing these fires.

Will we see more and more wildfires like this in the changing world, as climates destabilize, and oceans become hotter and more acidic, as droughts become more common and widespread? All of this comes as economies become more brittle and vulnerable, as nations struggle to provision their populations, as pollution blights more places and clean fresh water becomes increasingly scarce.

How will you know what to do in this changing world? How will you navigate climate chaos, peak energy, economic crises, food shortages and civil unrest? You were born for this time. God has a plan for this world and for your life, but how will you know what this is?

The New Message from God provides a pathway to building a bridge from your personal mind to the deeper mind within you—the mind that is connected to God’s will and plan—the mind of Knowledge. Hear God’s New Messsage for yourself and recognize it if you can. Does it speak down the ancient corridors of your deeper mind?

If you embark on this pathway, and seek out your deepest experience and your deepest desires, you can build your relationship with God and what God wants from your life. And you can build a dynamic and strong relationship with with this changing world, to better respond to the changing world, survive in this changing world, and contribute to this changing world.  Rather than being simply a hostile and dangerous place, the world becomes your beneficiary: you are here to give to the world, finding where its needs and your greater gifts intersect. The world blesses you and you in turn bless it.

Jim Brennan: