A Revelation For The Whole World To Hear.

I pray this Revelation when listened to and experienced opens up many more hearts and minds throughout the world! Nasi Novare Coram

We have all been sent here to do specific things with specific people. It is a Relationship with Destiny. Many in the world have no idea what we are all a part of. Yet, the Creator has spoken to the world again to give us what we need to begin to find out where we come from and why we are here now.

This Revelation https://www.community.newmessage.org/relationships-of-destiny-rbe/ is for the whole world. I pray you come to listen to it with and open heart and mind. For it is speaking to another part of you. A part you know little of but is with you always and is who you truly are. This part of us is and always will be connected to its Source.

If each of us knew what it took to bring us into this world at this time we would be living a much different life based in purpose.

“You were sent into the world for a greater purpose, a greater purpose that you have not yet discovered. This greater purpose is held within a deeper Knowledge within you, within a deeper Intelligence within you called Knowledge. It will emerge when you are ready to participate within it, and when you have come to realize and experience the deeper need of your soul—to know your purpose, your meaning and your true direction in life.” https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-2/love-and-relationships/relationships-of-destiny/

May the Presence be with you and you with it. It has been a honor to be a part of this blog and share with you all what has been given to me and to the world.

Nasi Novare Coram

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Hope In The World

Many people can feel hope fading in the world and within them. There are many reasons for this of course. Climate Change, ever growing violence and despair and poverty. Yet, hope is rekindled by those who become strong with Knowledge.

Grace is always with you because it is a part of the Mystery of Life.

“Hope can fade away and then can be reignited. It can seem to come and go, depending on how people are swayed and what they choose for themselves. Hope rests with you. Because the Unseen Ones are here does not mean that there is hope, for without you, there would be no hope! For you and others like you are bringing a new hope into the world because you are learning The Way of Knowledge and because you are learning to receive the gift of Knowledge. This brings a new hope into the world. Perhaps you cannot see this fully at this moment. Perhaps it seems beyond your understanding. But from a greater perspective, it is so very true and so very important.”

God works within people. So many feel that surrendering their difficulties, their suffering, their addictions and pain to God that God will take that from them. This only takes away the individuals responsibilities for their own life not claiming the authority that God has placed within them. We are the hope within the world along with God. We must begin to see and learn how to claim our own authority and become strong with what God placed within us. Knowledge. This is what enables us to have a relationship with God, with one another and with life. The hope that we bring into this world spreads if given with Knowledge-the deeper intelligence God has endowed all sentient beings with. This is the hope the Unseen Ones speak of. This is the hope we must learn to gain in our lives so that we may give it to another for them to spread that seed into the world too. This is why we are all here! This Revelation I will share here today is one of great wisdom and power for the individual. If seen with clear eyes and an open heart it can transform you and stir you to follow what you know within. It can help you come closer to who you truly are and why you are here and what it is you must do with certain others. It is called “Enlightenment” received by Marshall Vian Summers on September 19 2008 in Boulder Colorado. I pray you read it and feel the power and the destiny it holds for you. For that is the true reason you are here now. To fulfill a destiny not of your own making.


“It is natural for people to want to discover their deeper nature, and to discover and to fulfill their greater purpose for coming into the world. For indeed everyone has been sent here for a greater purpose even though very few people have ever discovered this, or even understand that it is a reality for them.

Once you have secured yourself in the world and have adequate provisions—food and water, shelter, clothing and security—a deeper set of needs sets in: the need for personal freedom and self-expression, the need for opportunity, the need to develop and cultivate one’s skills and abilities, the need for political freedom and economic opportunity. But beyond the possibility of fulfilling these needs, there is a greater and more fundamental need within the individual. And while many people in the world today cannot even fulfill the first set of needs for food and shelter and security, this deeper need resides within them as well.

That is one of the tragedies of poverty: it denies the possibility of a great percentage of humanity from making their contribution to the world. The countless individuals who would otherwise become major contributors to their cultures and societies, and to the well-being and progress of humanity, will not even have a chance to gain this greater expression of their lives. They are overtaken by their circumstances, prisoners of their circumstances.

Others who are more affluent become prisoners of their desires and their obsessions. They become prisoners to their ambitions or their personal interests, their romances or their addictions. In all of these cases, people are prevented from gaining access to their deeper nature, the deeper current of their life, and with it the possibility of experiencing and expressing a greater purpose that has brought them into the world.

For some people, enlightenment is held out to be the ultimate goal: to become free of attachment; free of worldly restraint; free to immerse yourself in a greater consciousness, the consciousness of all life, perhaps the consciousness of God; to be unhindered internally; to be free of anger and resentment and low self-esteem.

For some people enlightenment then becomes their new obsession. They think that that is why they are here in the world—to escape the world, to escape the endless cycle of existence and all of the suffering and struggle and difficulty that that entails.

If it were your purpose to discover the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you and to follow that Knowledge and to be a vehicle for its expression in the world—if that were your definition of enlightenment, then enlightenment would be completely appropriate. But enlightenment, in the minds of many people, is something very different. It is a kind of personal exaltation. It is an escape from life. It is a retreat from the world. It is a great ambition.

Yet if the spiritual practices that lead in the direction of enlightenment can engage one with their deeper Knowledge, their deeper nature, then they will have to come back into the world to serve. For if you discover your deeper nature, if you experience the deeper mind of Knowledge within yourself, you will realize that you have a destiny in the world and a service to perform here, a very specific service involving certain individuals.

Though you may have sought bliss and contentment, in actuality you find that you have a great service in the world, and you must return to the world with all of its difficulties, its tragedies and its seductions because this is why you have come into the world.

The Mystery has everything to do with your life and why you are here. The question is where are you?
We have come into the world to serve the world. Not to escape it.

You have not come into the world to escape the world. You have not come into the world to pursue personal happiness and satisfaction, for that only makes you a mass consumer, and it leads to self-obsession, which is the source of all mental illness.

If your pursuit of enlightenment engages you with Knowledge, then you will be prepared to return to the world, and your form of service may engage you in very difficult situations, where the need is profound. You cannot escape this service, for it really represents your destiny.

For some people, enlightenment however has nothing to do with Knowledge. It is a personal goal. It is the ultimate experience of happiness and contentment. And that is the goal of their lives: to be happy and contented.

So they will spend their lives—all their resources, all of their self-determination—to try to eradicate or overcome or overlook all of the tendencies within themselves that keep them small and chained to the world. But they will also overlook the power and presence of Knowledge and what it is calling them to do. And they will have to face guilt, the guilt that they are not responding to their deeper nature and to the deeper need of the soul. But they will tend to dismiss this guilt as simply part of the limitations that they must overcome.

Here there is a confusion, a misunderstanding, a misapprehension of the goal and purpose of your life. While peace and contentment are certainly important, these must be the by-product or the result of a deeper and more profound engagement in the world.

To escape the world to pursue happiness is no different than trying to enrich yourself with possessions or with gaining high social position. It is still a focus on one’s own fulfillment. But you did not come into the world to fulfill yourself. You did not come here to be a mass consumer, to use everything in the world for your own edification, for your own satisfaction, for your own happiness.

This is a very important point of clarification because if you do not see this, then you will think of enlightenment as a kind of noble road to take, the ultimate pursuit, the greatest adventure, the greatest and most significant challenge in life. But you risk missing what is fundamental to who you are and to the greater purpose that has brought you into the world.

While it may be necessary to retreat from the world, for even extended periods of time, to build an inner connection to this deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you, to experience your life at a deeper and more profound level, and to gain a sense of true direction in life, this retreat from the world for most people must be temporary.

The person who is destined to become a monastic is a rare individual, and their participation in a monastic life must not be driven by the inability or the avoidance of functioning in the world. This represents a false motive. It does not come from the heart.

You cannot purify yourself completely before you become of service to others. It is not possible because the service itself is part of the purification. And while it is true you cannot simply serve people without building an inner life and building a foundation in Knowledge within yourself, it is equally true that you cannot delay service indefinitely while you strive and struggle to gain a kind of perfection within yourself.

The goal of your spiritual practice—in whatever form it takes, in whatever tradition it might exist—is to engage your surface mind, your worldly mind, with the mind of Knowledge that God has placed within you and to follow that Knowledge, which will bring you to experience and then to express your greater purpose for being in the world, which is a specific form of service to life.

Do not think that you are healing the world through your spiritual practice alone, though your spiritual practice does cast a beneficial influence in the mental environment. You have a greater service to perform. Even those living in monasteries must serve one another and do this out of a state of humility and respect.

For life is service for a sentient being. You are not merely a plant or an animal that just has to survive and reproduce. You are here for a greater purpose. You are not here to be a locust upon the world, consuming everything in sight. You are here for a greater purpose.

It is this greater purpose that represents the fulfillment of your soul and the fulfillment of your destiny. To do this adequately frees you from having to return to this level of life. For this will end Separation within yourself and build a strong enough connection to what God has placed within you, and to God, that you will not need to enter into physical life again. Your service then will be on another level. It will be a greater service and a greater responsibility.

Do not seek perfection. You cannot perfect your personal mind, you cannot perfect your body, you cannot live a life of perfect equanimity without divorcing yourself from the world and without divorcing yourself from Knowledge within yourself. No matter how long you take to engage in spiritual practice, you must return to the world to serve.

Everyone was sent into the world to serve. But service requires preparation. It requires the right attitude and the right understanding. 

There are many people who are engaged in service as a kind of compensation for their own lack of integrity, and for their own inability to be honest about their lives and to engage with other people truthfully and appropriately. So they seek to counteract the sense of guilt and inadequacy that this produces by engaging in various forms of service. But their service is a kind of self-compensation. It is tied up in their own compromised lives and approach to life. 

Therefore, it is not complete. It is not authentic. It does not have the power of Spirit within it. It is more a form of escape, a form of avoidance, an attempt to prove to oneself [one’s] own worth and value.

This is not real service. That is why you must take the Steps to Knowledge and build a connection to Knowledge before you try to give your life to service. In this sense, you must build a foundation, for you cannot determine the form of service. You may try. You may try many different things, you may give yourself to many different things, and while this may be beneficial for others, it may lead you nowhere.

For you were born with a greater purpose. The form of the service that you are destined to give lives within you, kept sacred and safe within Knowledge within you. You cannot figure it out with your intellect. It is not based upon your personal goals or ambitions.

You must yield to Knowledge within yourself, and learn to find this greater purpose, and distinguish it from all the other compulsions and expectations in your mind, and gain the strength and the inner freedom to give yourself in this direction—thus overcoming your other ambitions, thus requiring you to reconcile your life, to bring your life in order and to withdraw from your self-destructive pursuits and from your compromised relationships, which really have nowhere to go and cannot produce anything of value to the world.

This is is the self-purification of taking the Steps to Knowledge. But it is not the same as trying to become perfect according to one’s notions or ideals, or the ideals of anyone else, or even the ideals of religion and religious teaching.

Instead of personal exaltation, it is coming down into the truth within oneself. It is a reconciliation. It is not an escape from life. It is a re-engagement with life. And that begins with the re-engagement with the deeper current of life in your life, the thread of truth that has existed every day of your life.

While you may have built an existence that is unrelated to this deeper thread of truth, it remains. It is your lifeline to God. It is the core and center of your real life. Even if you have created a life full of other obligations and commitments and attachments, it is this deeper thread of your life that you must reconnect with.

Only Knowledge knows why you are here and what you are here to do. So while you may attempt to do any number of other things, trying to fulfill yourself or even trying to serve the world, only Knowledge within you knows where you need to go and what you need to do. And even more importantly, Knowledge knows the pathway you must follow to prepare yourself, to regain your integrity and your clarity of mind in order to recognize and to render this greater service.

Here personal ambition and self-avoidance are great obstacles to reconnecting with Knowledge. People have invested heavily in their personal pursuits, in their personal relationships. They want to keep trying to prove that their investment was wise and efficacious. So they keep trying to make it work. They keep trying to make their relationship work or their pursuit in life be successful. And they keep trying and keep trying and keep trying, only postponing the day when they realize that they are not moving in the right direction and that their constant investment of themselves and their resources is only furthering and deepening their dilemma.

That is why you must begin by taking the Steps to Knowledge, for this will bring clarification into your life. This will restore to you your greater power and greater sense of certainty. This will free you from other obligations or commitments that have no future and which are only wasting your life.

Never think in this regard that you are right where you need to be, for in truth you are trying to get up a mountain. You are trying to get up beyond the valleys and the trees to see and to know and to have the clarity to understand the parameters of your life and the greater journey you must take.

Here many things will have to be set aside—even enlightenment. Personal goals, ambitions, ultimate achievements—they are all driven by personal insecurity and self-doubt.

Without Knowledge to guide your mind, your mind is like a wandering child. It is like an orphan in the world, forever insecure and fearful, forever feeling inadequate and longing for some kind of reunion or reconnection with a greater reality. It drives you. It drives you ceaselessly to try to find yourself in people, places, things, or even in enlightenment.

Whatever the stated goal, the driving incentive is the same. It is born of Separation. It is born of the fact that you are not connected to Knowledge and that your personal mind is running wild, trying to seek fulfillment, trying to seek security, trying to seek happiness, trying to seek the ultimate happiness. It is driven by insecurity and a profound sense of personal failure.

As you continue to dedicate yourself to these pursuits, whatever they may be, your sense of personal failure and anxiety only increases, for you have not met the deeper need of your soul. And though you keep trying to fulfill your goals and ambitions, they keep robbing you of time and diminishing your opportunity to gain access to Knowledge and to reconnect yourself, your mind, your consciousness with the greater purpose that has brought you into the world.

Some people may say: “Well, there is no real greater purpose for me. I am just here to become enlightened so I can become free of the world and its restraints.” But this is the kind of ultimate expression of Separation, that there is no greater purpose for that person. They are just here to try to create an ultimate reality for themselves or to leap into ultimate reality as they conceive of it.

But their problem is that what is motivating them is fear and anxiety, and a profound sense of deficiency in their own life and nature. They are trying to create and fulfill the answer, but the answer has already been given to you.

The answer was given at the beginning of time when the Separation began. God instantly created Knowledge in all sentient beings—a deeper conscience, a deeper sense of connection and responsibility, a deeper experience of fulfillment and relationship.

If your idea of enlightenment is aimed towards Knowledge, then it is appropriate. But your understanding is still incomplete. For you must see that your pursuit of clarity, certainty and strength will lead you to a greater form of service in the world. The goal is not bliss or contentment or peace, but instead engagement at a higher level.

If your idea of enlightenment is to achieve a kind of escape from life, then you must reconsider your objectives, and consider seriously the reality that God has already placed the answer within you, and that you cannot find this answer alone only through spiritual practice. For the answer is a movement. It is not just one realization. It is not just one sudden moment where your eyes are opened and your mind is completely clear.

You may have such lucid moments as a product of your spiritual practice, but ultimately you are here to come to terms with the greater movement of your life—a movement that has a direction and a purpose in the world, a movement that will take you into the world to engage with certain people for a greater and more specific purpose.

The separated are reclaimed everywhere in the universe through Knowledge. Whatever your understanding or orientation, whatever be the nature of your spiritual practice, the truth remains that you are saved through Knowledge.

Knowledge is not some distant shore. It is not some remote place. It is not the result of a long and arduous journey. It is within you now. It is talking to you every day, but you cannot hear it because your mind is too full of noise and is too engaged in its own pursuits.

We are here to be the hope in the world. God works through people from the inside out. To be of service to others and to the world is why we are truly here, And this is what brings true Joy and Gratitude to our lives.

It is not perfection you seek, but this deeper engagement and this deeper relationship with God. This brings you back into the world to contribute something to the flow and evolution of life here, and to the well-being of humanity, and to the world. Do not try to define this ultimate role for yourself, for that will only hinder your progress.

Here your mind must live with questions and not rely upon answers. You must have the sense of security and self-confidence to know that you are on the right track, that you are moving up a great mountain, that you cannot leap to the summit and that you do not know what the summit is or what it will be like or what it will mean for you. You do not know what you will see as you gain a greater altitude on this mountain. So you go forward with a kind of faith, but it is not a passive faith, for you are fully engaged in your preparation.

You are not waiting around for a bolt of lightning to strike you. You are not waiting around for some magical event or some miracle to open your eyes. You are making the journey. You are getting up the mountain, step by step. You are learning to take the Steps to Knowledge, to gain an ever greater sense and experience of the deeper current of your life. This is more a process of letting things go than taking things on, more a process of reducing yourself to what is really essential and real in your life as opposed to taking on more ideas, more activities, more commitments, more relationships.

It is like an emptying out, but it occurs gradually because you must choose along the way what to value and what not to value. You must see what is good from whatonly looks good. You must gain this wisdom through discernment, through decisions, through the process of assuming certain responsibilities and letting others go.

That is why sudden enlightenment does not mean anything; it is only a moment. You must still make the journey. There is no secret magic carpet that is going to take you up this mountain. The presence of a great teacher, even contact with the Angelic Presence, will not transport you up this mountain. You must make the journey.

It is in making this journey that you become strong, that you gain wisdom, that you mature as a person, that you learn to make wise decisions, and discern with greater and greater clarity the truth and the falsity that exist in so many things, and to separate them, and to discern truth from falsity in an ever-increasing number of situations. You learn to do this without condemnation, without self-hatred or hatred for others. You become more sober about life, more clear about life, but ever connecting with the promise of life.

There are spiritual teachers, or those who claim to be spiritual teachers, who promise enlightenment, liberation, complete freedom, complete contentment, a life without difficulty, a life without conflict. But what is this? It is an escape from life. It is an avoidance. It is like giving someone a drug, and having them become addicted so they do not have to experience themselves or their condition anymore.

People who are attracted to this are unwilling to live a real monastic life, with all of its restrictions and restraints. They want to have the world, but they want to have it on their terms. They want the world they want. They are unwilling to face the world as it is. They want to have love, but they cannot accept themselves or the world, and so love remains beyond their reach. They want to feel good about themselves, but underneath within themselves, they do not feel good about themselves, for they are neglecting some kind of primal responsibility in life. They are missing a connection.

So they try harder. They become more adamant in their spiritual practice. They become more critical of their own state of mind. They become more judgmental of others, seeking to have their idea of perfection or liberation. 

It is like the person who is going to seek material wealth, and they are going to do whatever it takes. They are going to forfeit their relationships. They are going to forfeit their health. They are going to forfeit participation in life to achieve their goals. They are determined; they are obsessed.

God has already placed an answer within you, but this answer will only emerge as you are prepared for it and as your desire for it becomes pure and clear. It will emerge as your life is brought into greater order and harmony, as you have reconciled your activities and have become honest about your engagements with other people.

Then the world itself will call this Knowledge out of you, for you cannot call it out of yourself. The world will activate your greater purpose. It will tell you where you need to serve, where your service can be of the greatest benefit, to whom it must be directed, and how it must be expressed.

How different this is from people trying to fulfill their idea of enlightenment, or trying to escape the ego in all things. Here it is the ego that wants to escape the ego. The ego goes along for the ride. It is being empowered. Even while you seek to escape its limitations, it continues with you.

It is like trying not to feel pain. If you try not to feel any emotional or physical pain, you will withdraw from life. Life is uncomfortable. Life is challenging. Life presents problems and predicaments, some of which are very difficult to understand and to resolve. Some you cannot resolve. If you do not want to feel these things, then you are taking yourself somewhere else, removing yourself from the world and removing yourself from the possibility of fulfilling your greater purpose here.

Your first responsibility is to take the Steps to Knowledge. Your second responsibility is to bring your life into order, which means that everything you are doing is true and that you have gained the strength to release obligations, commitments, behaviors and attachments that do not represent this fundamental truth within yourself. For many people, this takes years and years, but it must occur.

Then you learn to look at the world without condemnation. You look to listen, to feel the need for Knowledge in the world, and to see where Knowledge within you is taking you.

Here you are going from an old life to a greater life, but you cannot put a greater life on top of an old life. You are taking a journey from one reality to another, but you are in the world while you are doing this. And you are maintaining your spiritual practice in The Way of Knowledge while you are doing this.

Unless you are destined to become a monastic, which is a very unique role with very specific requirements, do not think you are going to escape the world. Do not think that you are going to live in the world but not in the world. That is like being in relationship but not really being in a relationship, which is the condition of so many people’s relationships. Yes, they are there, but not wholeheartedly.

You have to be in the world wholeheartedly. You cannot be ambivalent about this. Otherwise, you just want the pleasures of the world without any of its pains, and this is dishonest. This is unreal. That is like wanting to be in the ocean without getting wet. This is wanting to be in a relationship without experiencing difficulties in communication and in understanding another person. This is like having only dessert for dinner and missing that which really nourishes you.

Enlightenment is either true or false, depending on where it is taking you and what it is emphasizing. If it is a path to Knowledge, if it is a preparation for a greater engagement in life, then it is moving in the right direction. Yet if it is not oriented in this manner, then it is taking you somewhere else. It is deepening your self-obsession. It is taking you further from the world, further from true relationship, further into yourself, a self that has no reality in reality.

Here your understanding must be clear. You were sent into the world for a purpose, so you do not need to create your purpose. God has given you Knowledge to redeem you, so you do not have to redeem yourself. God has given you a greater direction in life, so you do not have to create this direction. But you do have to actively prepare—to discover Knowledge, to bring your life into order, and to take the steps towards experiencing and expressing a greater purpose in life, which the world more than anything else will reveal to you.

Here you gain a greater relationship with the world, a greater relationship with yourself, and a greater relationship with others. And it is these greater relationships that end the Separation within yourself, that demonstrate you are really connected to life and to a greater life beyond this world. This ends Separation in all directions. It establishes relationships above you and below you and all around you, simultaneously.

This is how God’s Plan works. It is not the purification of the intellect. It is not just a shedding of the ego. For the more attention you give to your ego, the stronger it becomes. It loves attention; it lives off of attention and investment. Here you can diverge from your true path and spend your life trying to seek a goal that you yourself cannot fulfill.

For it takes a greater surrendering, not to a distant God or a distant power, not to a spiritual teacher, not to an idea or a set of beliefs, but to the deeper current of your life, which is here to take you somewhere and to prepare you for living in the world in a very different way.

God has sent a New Message into the world to clarify these things, and to provide Steps to Knowledge. There are other pathways to Knowledge that have been established over time in the world, and many of them are very potent and authentic. But they can be very hard to find. And those that teach them are not in the public arena and can be very difficult to find. That is why God has sent the Steps to Knowledge into the world, to become a pathway for people who cannot find any other way and who need the blessings and the power of Knowledge in their lives today.

Hope and change rests with you.

God’s New Message also reveals humanity’s destiny within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe, and how humanity must prepare for the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world, as your planet undergoes environmental change. 

To understand your purpose, you must understand the context in which it will be expressed, and that is why a permanent retreat from the world is so counter productive. 

You must learn of humanity’s emergence into a Greater Community of life and the great threat to human freedom that is existing in the world today by those forces from the universe who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity. And you must learn of the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world: environmental degradation, resource depletion, violent weather, changing climate, growing economic and political instability, and the threat of war and conflict. You are here to be a part of all of this, so you must learn of the condition of the world and what is coming over the horizon, which only a Revelation from God can provide.

To know who you are and why you are here, you must understand where the world stands and where it is going. You must understand your environment to know what to do in life, correctly and wisely. You are here to serve the world, so you must understand the world with a greater clarity, a greater objectivity and a greater courage. You cannot be apart and be in relationship at the same time.

Knowledge will bring you into a greater association with life and with the world and with yourself. But you must take the Steps to Knowledge, and you must bring your life in order, and you must prepare yourself for a greater engagement with the world, for this is why you have come. And it is this that you will reflect upon once you leave this world.

The power and the presence of Knowledge is with you. It has always been with you. You must begin now to feel its deeper current, to recognize its signs, to respond to its encouragements and its restraints, to give over your ideas and your beliefs to serve a greater power that lives within you in this moment and which will carry you forth into the great and uncertain times ahead.

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Feeling The Will of God in Your Life.

Ever since I was a young boy I always questioned why I was here. There was this kind of pull within me to ask this question. Growing up I then became conditioned by the thinking of my family, society and culture that I was here to be happy; but what does that truly mean. I know what it means by today’s standards and the pursuit of this thing called “happiness”.

But what does it truly mean. In this blog the 2 Revelations I share this month and the next will address this one question that many have in the world. For it is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. “Why am I truly here”?

This Revelation “What God Wills For You” was given to Marshall Vian Summers on October 21 2008 in Boulder Colorado. You can listen to the Voice of Revelation of the Angelic Assembly here. https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/the-new-way-forward-for-humanity/what-god-wills-for-you

“You have come into the world for a greater purpose, a greater purpose that was given you before you came here. This greater purpose is held sacred within the deeper Intelligence within you, the deeper Intelligence that God has given you called Knowledge.

You were sent into the world first to learn how to live in the world, to learn how to communicate and associate successfully with other people and to adapt to living in a state of Separation—a state where you had a separate reality and identity that were distinct from others, a reality where you were unknown and unrecognized, except perhaps by a very few people.

This reality in the world is so very different from where you have come from, and it takes a long time to develop here. It takes a long time to learn how to be in the world with even a basic set of skills.

Your greater purpose is kept sacred within you beyond the reach of your intellect, held sacred there until you could reach a point in your life where you would feel a deeper stirring within you, a deeper need emerging within you—the deeper need to know who you are and why you are here and what you must accomplish.

This greater purpose is not what you think, and rarely will it ever reflect your personal goals or aspirations. But the fact that you are seeking for it is real and consistent, and that you are searching for those individuals who will enable you to discover this purpose and to help you fulfill it and express it.

You have come here for a greater purpose, but it is being carried like a secret cargo within you, a secret cargo that you have yet to discover. But you have signs and clues. Your mind is oriented and designed in a unique way for this purpose, and you have experienced deeper inclinations at various points in your life.

When you reach a state of greater maturity, you will feel a deeper stirring within yourself. You will begin to have a deeper kind of experience—an experience that will alter very slightly, but profoundly, your view of yourself, your view of the world, your values, your interests and so forth—as if you have reached a kind of threshold beyond which you undergo a kind of inner change.

No longer satisfied with the seeming pleasures and distractions of the world, you look for something deeper. You look for something that reflects your deeper nature and the greater purpose that has brought you into the world.

Before, while you were highly critical of the world around you and highly critical of other people and perhaps yourself, now you begin to see a connection between the state of the world, the state of people, your own state and the purpose and meaning of your greater contribution to others. This connection can seem very faint at the outset, very partial, but eventually you will come to find that you were sent to serve the very world that you see around you, but only a unique aspect of it, or a certain problem, or a certain need.

There is a problem in the world that has your name on it, a need in the world that calls to you beyond all other things. You have clues already because there are certain things that you encounter that excite intense reaction within you. Perhaps it is a critical reaction, but it seems to stand out far and beyond other things that might irritate you or excite you.

It is a clue. It is not an answer yet, but it is a clue. And that you are oriented in a certain way and have certain skills or inherent strengths—these are clues as well.

Here instead of looking at what you want, you look at your natural orientation. And part of the discovery of this purpose is a process of elimination of other things. You come to terms with things that you should not do, could not do, and this begins to narrow your range of choice.

It is like a process of elimination where you come to accept your limitations; you come to accept that there are certain things you cannot do, ways of living that would not work for you, relationships that would be inappropriate for you, and you begin to limit your choices. Here the discovery of your greater purpose is the result of a process of elimination more than it is having endless choices to do whatever you think you might want to do.

Life, through the experience of disappointment and sometimes shocking disillusionment, will help you in this regard. For you cannot be whatever you want to be, do whatever you want to do, adapt yourself to any set of circumstances or to any relationship that might be attractive. If you are being really honest with yourself, you see that so many of these options and choices would be completely wrong for you. This is an important step in your self-awareness and in building wisdom in the world.

People spend their entire lives trying to be something that they could never be, living in fantasy about themselves, seeing themselves in a role that really is not their destiny. People can pursue endlessly and doggedly a set of goals that does not represent the deeper need of their soul.

Here the more determined you are can end up casting you even further into a path with no future and no fulfillment. It is a misappropriation of your skills and talents, based upon a misunderstanding of your true direction.

That is why this deeper turning point is so important. People can become lost in the world and disheartened and disillusioned and feel empty and depressed because they have not reached this turning point within themselves. Perhaps they have exhausted their ambitions and through disappointment and dismay, they have been cast back upon themselves, but they have not reached this turning point where something deeper begins to emerge within them.

Do not judge people in this state. It is a very difficult state, and if it is prolonged, it can be a tragic state. Everyone is struggling to survive, and beyond this struggle to survive, they are struggling to find the truth about their lives. This struggle can lead people into many mistaken paths, can lead so many people astray, can lead to a kind of spiritual destitution.

For even if you are successful in reaching your material goals, even if you have achieved what your culture esteems to be a success, if you have not discovered your real purpose, then your soul’s need has gone unmet. And the feeling of emptiness, the feeling of unfulfillment, will haunt you. Achieving more goals or purchasing more things or conquering other people will not satisfy this deeper need of the soul.

That is why when some people reach a point of material success, they can fall into a great and seemingly endless depression, a kind of vacant state, where they are feeling the emptiness of their lives at a deeper level.

Here the only way out is through service, through a kind of selfless service. They recognize a need, and they support that need—using their assets, using their personal strength—and this becomes a path of redemption for them. Here every wealthy person must become a benefactor, not just giving some small portion of their wealth, but committing their wealth to serving a real need in the world.

So the question arises: What does God will for me? Perhaps even if you are not religiously oriented or have not grown up in a religious family or environment, you might ask this question in some way. The question could be asked in many ways: What am I really here to do? What is my true path in life? Or What does God will for me? It is all the same question, you see.

People who have grown up in a religious environment will ask this question more immediately. And they will try to interpret their answer, perhaps, based upon their religious beliefs or the practices or trends of their tradition. But the answer reaches far deeper than this and is in a sense far more simple to comprehend.

If you were sent into the world for a greater purpose, then God wills for you to find this purpose, to experience it, to accept it and to fulfill it. People think they must praise and worship, fall down on their knees and prostrate themselves to please God. Perhaps as a demonstration of humility, these forms of worship are appropriate as a sign of yielding one’s will to a greater Will. These forms of worship can be quite beneficial, but they do not please God.

God does not need to be worshipped and acclaimed. God is not driven by the same kinds of needs of recognition that people, in a state of Separation and insecurity, tend to want for themselves. God does not need to be validated, for God is not insecure. God does not need to be worshipped because God does not suffer from a kind of low self-esteem. God does not need to be praised. What God needs is for you to fulfill what you came here to do. That is really the matter.

Even if you were not religious, even if you had no religious tradition or practice, if you could do that, from a position and attitude of service, you would fulfill your destiny here. You would break through the wall of Separation. You would follow the deeper Knowledge that God has given you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you forward.

Even if you claimed you did not believe in God or were not religious, if you could do this in the spirit of service, following Knowledge within yourself, breaking free of personal self-obsession and addiction to serve in this way with courage, compassion and determination, you would fulfill your destiny here. And you would find a kind of satisfaction, and a rightness with yourself, and a deeper level of fulfillment that cannot be found in any other way.

God does not need a vast army of believers, all saying the same thing, all marching in step, all performing the same or similar acts of devotion. Fundamentally, God needs for you to discover Knowledge, to follow Knowledge, for this is what God has put within you—to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to your greater life in the world and to a greater set of relationships that will enable you to find and to fulfill this purpose.

Here you are not redeemed by just believing in God, for belief is just a position of the mind. It is not deep enough to really establish the fulfillment and completion that you were sent here to establish and to fulfill.

Besides, God knows you could never get everyone to believe in the same things and that if you try, you will just end up oppressing people and punishing people, leading to a kind of self-righteous cruelty. This will be done in the name of God. People will be punished and executed in the name of God. And this is an abomination. This is such a great distortion.

God does not will punishment or death for anyone. God wills that all Beings in the world be redeemed and knows that the separated are reclaimed through Knowledge and through service.

You have come into the world at a time of profound need, and the needs of humanity will grow ever greater in the face of the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world: resource depletion, environmental decline and degradation, changing climate and catastrophic weather, growing political and economic instability, and the risk of war between nations and groups over who will claim the remaining resources. This will plunge humanity into a greater and deeper state of instability and uncertainty and give rise to many dangerous leaders coming to power.

You have been sent into the world to serve the world under these circumstances. Accept this. To love the world, you must accept the world as it is. That does not mean you condone everything or justify the great wrongdoing and errors that are occurring here, but it means that you take a position of seeing how you can serve rather than merely being a critic, a person who casts condemnation upon the world.

What people believe about God in so many instances, in so many traditions, is so completely incorrect. They are trying to fulfill their greater purpose by being good believers, but belief is not strong enough or consistent enough or free enough from manipulation and from error to assure that you will find your greater service here and perform it correctly to the benefit of others.

Many tyrants feel they are doing a great service to their people. Many cruel oppressors think they are bringing order and benefit to society. That is why a belief alone cannot be your guide. That is why God has given you a deeper Intelligence that is not influenced or seduced or dominated by human belief.

The power of belief is appropriate in trusting and honoring the presence of Knowledge within yourself, which at the outset in particular you may experience only very infrequently. But it is still enough to alter the course of your life and to set your life in a true direction.

People try to comprehend God’s Will, Nature and Purpose with their intellect, to use belief and obedience and eccentricity to try to comprehend and to follow what they think God wants them to do. And many proclaim that the great Teachings that have come from the Emissaries answer these questions fully. But the real purpose that has brought you here cannot be defined by any tradition or simple set of ideas.

Even the ideas We are giving you here require a deeper understanding and recognition and a commitment to adhere to a mysterious power within yourself that you cannot comprehend with your intellect, that you cannot concretely define. For to define something is to give it form and limitation, but Knowledge within you does not have form and exceeds beyond limitation.

The great traditions of humanity have given significant and necessary perspective and guidance in a general sense. Commandments have been given to guide human behavior in a general sense so that human civilization could be fostered and grow and expand without destroying itself. But beyond this, the revelation must happen within you. You must have your revelation, and you must bring yourself to it in a state of humility.

This is bringing yourself to the truth and yielding, but it is not simply an act you do once a week, or a social process, or a ceremony alone. It is something you must do within yourself.

You are not asking for a distant God to give you guidance. You are asking for Knowledge within yourself to emerge, for God has already given you the perfect guiding Intelligence. Now you must discern it in your own experience.

You must distinguish it from your compulsions, your desires and your other needs. You must look for its evidence in your life and in the lives of others. You must stop condemning the world and humanity and begin to look and listen for the signs of Knowledge.

Your mind will want to give definition. It will want to rely upon beliefs and convictions and theories and laws because it is so insecure. It wants these things as a kind of crutch, as a handrail.

But Knowledge is beyond the intellect because your true identity is beyond the intellect. Who you were before coming into this world and who you will be after you leave this world is beyond the reach and the domain of your intellect. Your intellect was created to communicate and to function within this limited reality called life in the world, but it cannot encompass the greater reality of your existence and the Greater Reality of Creation. Even the physical universe in all of its dimensions and expansions is only a part of Creation.

Your intellect is an incredibly important tool of communication and evaluation. Within this world, within the world of changing circumstances, within a world where people do not recognize each other, in a world where you must survive and adapt and innovate, it is a marvelous instrument.

But do not think that it can comprehend the meaning of life, or your greater purpose for coming into the world, or the nature and reality of those who sent you here. This must be revealed to you.

Do not try to make experience fit in with your ideas. Honor experience and allow it to shape your ideas. Do not take a profound experience and try to fit it in with your belief system. Let it exist outside your belief system to give you wisdom that your belief system cannot provide.

This is humility. Insisting that your ideas be right and your beliefs be confirmed, that is arrogant. That is demanding that life and God conform to your ideas or the ideas of your culture or tradition. That is fundamentally arrogant and ignorant. It does not represent a position of humility or openness.

While you should not be open to all human ideas and accepting of all human beliefs, you must be open to the power and presence of Knowledge within your life, for this is how God will guide you and speak to you. But for this to be genuine, for you to have a real experience of this, you will have to see the difference between Knowledge and your beliefs.

This will take skill and maturity. Otherwise, you will claim that every idea that comes into your mind is God speaking to you. Everything you want for yourself is God speaking to you. Every judgment that you have against others is God speaking to you. This is so obviously incorrect and false.

So this takes a real high degree of self-honesty. That is why the great turning point of the emergence of Knowledge comes later in life for almost everyone. If you are deceptive here, you will deceive yourself and think you have found a truth that is really only the product of your self-deception. You will cling to some idea or belief, and it will block your path, and it will blind you. Even the light will blind you. You will feel you have found a great light, a great revelation. It will blind you. And it will not really be it.

That is why the student of Knowledge must proceed slowly and carefully, for there are many errors and traps along the way, and many people fall for these errors and fall into these traps because they are impatient, because they want self-validation, because they want to have their ideas, their beliefs and even their existence be confirmed. They are too impatient and too compulsive to allow the reality of their life to slowly emerge and be revealed to them.

That is why the journey is a journey. It is not a moment where you discover everything. Even if you could see within a flash of light the reality of your existence, you would still have to interpret this and apply this in your everyday life and bring it into the context of all of your involvements.

People hope that revelation will be sudden for them so that they do not have to take the long journey. But the long journey is where you build wisdom and discernment, where you discern reality from illusion, truth from ideas alone.

People are impatient because they are governed by the intellect, which is so profoundly insecure. It has not found its true service to Spirit, or to Knowledge, to God. It is trying to be a god itself. And while the intellect is a marvelous vehicle of communication, it makes a very poor god—weak, fallible, judgmental, arrogant, conceited, cruel. It makes a very poor god.

People think God is like the intellect, just on a larger scale, containing all of the weaknesses and the dangerous dispositions of the intellect, and that God has all this. This has given rise to the vengeful God, the judgmental God, the punishing God, the God who sends people to eternal damnation, eternal suffering—a kind of immense ego.

Yet people insist that God is loving and all merciful, and so you can see the contradiction. This contradiction is apparent to many people who turn away from religion altogether because they see the falsity of these notions.

This Teaching We are giving you is part of God’s New Message for the world. Part of its purpose is to bring clarification, to teach about spirituality at the level of Knowledge, to reveal to you the real nature of redemption and fulfillment in the world.

This Teaching has been part of all the great past traditions but has become lost and obscured because religions have become dominated by political forces and ambitious individuals. Their true message and their true power have been obscured in so many ways. People can still find the great truths and redemption through these traditions, but they must be very discerning. And the truth here can be difficult to find, given the persuasions of one’s culture, the weight of tradition and how their religious traditions are being taught and emphasized in their nations and cultures.

That is why the New Message from God presents God’s intention in a pure form, unadulterated by the power of the state, unclaimed by governments, without human manipulation or domination.

This is God’s Message in a pure form. This is meant to resonate with the purity of all the great traditions, for they were all initiated by God, and they were all changed by humanity. The truth can be found in all of them, but it takes a great effort and great mental freedom and great patience.

In all cases, it comes down to receiving revelation as it occurs at the very heart and center of your life and to follow revelation. For revelation is not just an idea or one consuming experience. It is a journey to take, a pathway to follow, a whole new stage of life where you are the student, the follower, who presumes very little, and who is open to learning everything that must be learned.

Here you are not bound by one belief system. You are not bound to recite one Teaching, for you are following the Mystery. And this is what the Mystics of all ages have followed.

Beliefs and doctrines are for people who are not free enough to take the journey, who are held back by their cultures, by their economic position, who are oppressed by their nations and their leaders. Perhaps they have felt the stirrings of Knowledge within themselves, but they are too bound, too circumscribed by their situation. This is a condition of so many people in the world today.

So many of humanity’s future great leaders, scientists, physicians and inventors are bound by grinding poverty or oppressed in oppressive regimes, and their greater gifts will not be discovered and expressed as a result.

Here is where poverty and oppression hold back the entire race, diminish the prospects for the human family. This is why women must be free to assume positions of leadership and power and innovation, for if you suppress half of humanity, you deny all of humanity half of what it could create and produce that would be entirely beneficial.

That is why circumstances must be conducive to the discovery of Knowledge. If you are oppressed by dire financial needs, if you are at the edge of survival trying to take care of a family, if you are living under severe restriction and oppression by your government or by your religious tradition, then the emergence of Knowledge may not occur, for the environment for its emergence is so unfavorable.

This is why political freedom is important. This is why certain traditions must be opened so that people can emerge, so that their gifts can be discovered and expressed. This is why poverty is a blight upon humanity as a whole.

Great religious and political leaders often emerge from very humble circumstances. And for the few who can escape these circumstances, they require great courage and assistance from others.

So when you ask yourself: What does God will for me? Or if you ask yourself: What am I really here to do? If you ask yourself: Am I living the life I was really meant to live? In all cases, you bring yourself to the power and the presence of Knowledge within you.

God is not managing your daily affairs. The Creator of the universe and Creation beyond the universe is not preoccupied with your hourly and daily life. Instead, God has planted a seed in you, a seed that can germinate and grow within you. This is the Wisdom of God.

So do not think that everything that happens is because God is making it happen, or God is manipulating every little thing that happens for your benefit or your edification. Do not think that God is managing all the affairs of life.

God has created nature and evolution and the mechanisms of the natural world. You have entered this arena of great change and uncertainty. God has given you Knowledge. It is this Knowledge that is the key. To discern its reality, to feel its presence, to allow it to exert its influence over your thinking and emotions is really beginning to take the path of redemption.

Here, even, you cannot answer the question: “What does God will for me?” because you are taking a journey, and the journey is one of discovery, of coming to terms with the most fundamental realities of your life—to begin to value what is permanent and real over sensation and desires, fantasies and illusions; to discern what is good from what only looks good. To gain this discernment, this wisdom, this competence, this is necessary if you are to carry out a greater purpose and to be in real service to others in a way that is entirely redemptive for them and for you.

So the answer is not just an answer. It is a door that opens through which you must pass. It is a journey to take with many stages. And you take this journey still with great self-doubt and uncertainty, with questions unanswered, because you are living in the Mystery, and the Mystery is confounding to the intellect.

Here the great uncertainty that underlies your intellect finds a greater power and a greater strength to rely upon within you. For, in essence, your body serves your mind, and your mind serves Spirit, or Knowledge. That is the true hierarchy of your Being.

But this is not where people begin their journey. Most people begin their journey thinking that their mind serves their body and the Spirit serves their mind. People want to use Spirit as a kind of resource. They want to use Knowledge as a resource to get what they want.

Most people start out in this profound state of confusion where the natural order of being within themselves is completely upside down. So it takes time to set everything right. In living in a state of Separation, almost everything becomes misconstrued, and there is great confusion.

Here underneath the most adamant set of beliefs that people will adhere to and pronounce, there is a whole foundation of confusion and misunderstanding. And people adhere to extreme views to try to escape confusion and misunderstanding, but all they do is overlay it without resolving it fundamentally.

The only thing that can really resolve your core confusion and misunderstanding is the emergence of Knowledge within yourself. And here you must follow like a student. You cannot be a leader. Here you must yield your intellect to a mysterious power that you will perhaps only experience periodically, but it will be enough to lead you forward. Here you give up your reliance upon your beliefs and ideas and place a greater confidence in this power that is so consistent and so free from manipulation in the world—a deeper conscience within yourself, where what is right and wrong is just clear.

This is how God leads you out of your dilemma, the massive confusion and uncertainty of your life. This is how God frees you from a past full of error and misappropriation. This is how God saves you.

Whether you are an advocate or a participant in a religious tradition or not, this is how God saves you. If you are a firm believer in your religious tradition, here Knowledge will emerge and reveal to you the real nature and the real essence of your religious tradition. For all religious traditions are essentially designed to bring your mind in service to Knowledge.

This is where redemption occurs. This is where lives are renewed. This is where strength is discovered. This is where purpose and commitment can arise in the most beneficial ways.

What does God will for you? God wills that you respond to Knowledge; that you allow Knowledge to redirect your life and to bring clarity into your situation; that you follow like a student, without presumption or demands; that you follow The Way of Knowledge; that you learn of the Mystery, without profaning it by trying to define it and use it as a tool; that you become truly honest with yourself and your intentions and that all of your decisions are brought to a deeper conscience within yourself, where you can discern what is real from what is unreal, what is true from what is untrue, what is right for you from what is not right for you.

Here it is a journey of many steps, taking the Steps to Knowledge. Every Step is important. Every Step requires care and discernment. Every Step builds your strength, your inner certainty and your connection to Knowledge. Every Step clarifies your thinking, moderates and adjusts your beliefs, tempers your extreme notions and frees you from compulsion and addiction.

God wills that you follow this and find this and honor this in yourself and in other people. God wills that humanity establish a greater unity and cooperation to face the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world, and to face the reality of your emergence into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe, and to protect this world from Intervention from other races who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

God wills that you experience the purpose that has brought you here, and to follow it and to learn of it; to allow it to be revealed to you, step by step; to assume a position of integrity and humility, but commitment and determination; to stay true to this guiding light and to follow the compass that is setting a direction within you.

Follow this, honor this and encourage this in others, and your life will reflect your greater life beyond. And your sense of Separation from God and from your Ancient Home will begin to disappear.”

So much Wisdom here for those who are asking the question and being patient for an answer. There is nothing more important than to truly feel why you are here and what you and I and the rest of humanity are a part of. Blessings to you all! Nasi Novare Coram

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Freedom From Addiction and Obsession

In my years living here on this beautiful planet I have experienced many things. Addiction is one of them. The prisons I created for myself are real and stem from dysfunction growing up, unhealthy relationships, disappointment and pain. The problem of addiction I have come to find is the disconnection from life and from others. We all suffer from this in one way or another because we live in separation from our Source. The Revelation I will share with you is about this pain that lives within each of us. It, I feel, is a common denominator in many lives who suffer from addiction and obsession. The wisdom it contains is immense and needed by the world at this time and the times to come. For it sheds tremendous light on the true journey we are on. A journey which contains a fundamental need each of us carries yet hardly ever finds. This is the need of The Soul.

A Revelation for many in the world at this time.

“It can be difficult to break old habits. It can be difficult to set aside things that have been with you for a long time—preoccupations, behaviors, activities, interests, hobbies and so forth. People can hold onto these things long after they have ceased to have any real meaning, if they ever had any real meaning to begin with.

People talk about change. They say how much they have changed, or that they want to change. But you must ask yourself: “Do people really change at all?” Or are the changes that they make more cosmetic or circumstantial in nature?

Real change is a change of heart. And a change of heart shifts your focus, your priorities and, as a consequence, your relationship with many things. Change without a change of heart is not really change. It is only cosmetic in nature. It is looking different, sounding different. But on the inside a real shift has not yet occurred.

It is this change of heart that is so essential. It is this that will give you the power to break your addiction to things, your association with things, and to help you re-evaluate your position regarding everyone and everything.

Real change happens beneath the surface. It is not something that occurs at the intellectual level. It is a shift at a deeper level. And over time you come to realize, as a consequence, that your values and your priorities are changing. The way you feel about yourself and your situation is changing. You are looking for different things now. You are losing interest in things that fascinated you before.

To really break an addiction you must have a different kind of focus for the mind that must really be all consuming. It may even look like another addiction. But it must be strong enough to displace and replace what has captivated your mind previously, and what still tends to captivate your mind.

Instead of being addicted to a drug, you become addicted to God. You become addicted to the experience of Knowledge within yourself, the deeper Intelligence that God has placed within you. You become addicted to serving others. You become addicted to maintaining your health. This new addiction may be temporary, but it serves as a bridge, you see.

You can question your motivations about your current addictions. You can try to understand what created these conditions. You may gain a psychological perspective regarding your behaviors. You may see a connection between early events in your life and the kinds of fixations that are haunting you now. But this does not mean that you can really let go, and that you will have the strength and the capacity to do that.

An addiction is a replacement for real relationships. That is a very useful definition of addictions. It is a replacement for real relationship with yourself, with other people and with the world.

People lose their relationship with themselves and must replace it with something. They must have something to which they are dedicated, that occupies their focus and their time. And so instead of that which is real and meaningful, they have chosen a substitute. And these substitutes, at the very least, consume one’s attention and, at the very worst, destroy one’s life.

If an addiction has reached this stage of advancement, then it must be replaced by something of equal force and strength. You must now become addicted to something else that points your life in the right direction, that reaffirms your natural abilities and native worth. It is still obsessive, of course, because you have not yet reached a real balance within yourself. But as a replacement, if it can garner enough attention from you and focus, then it can serve to alter the course of your life and turn you away from meaningless and self-destructive behaviors.

That is why certain people who were addicted to drugs or other kinds of fantasies turn to religion with such adamancy, such fervency. It is because they are trying to replace one addiction with another. Perhaps they were addicted to drugs and now they are addicted to Jesus or Muhammad or the church or the mosque. They are still addicted, which means their life is still out of balance, and they are still prone to make excessive and unwise decisions. But they are attempting to shift their life onto a different plane, and they are using religion or belief, or the lives of the great emissaries as a means of doing this.

Your addiction to romance, your addiction to your fantasies about your hobbies, your addictions to certain kinds of foods or activities must be replaced by something of equal or greater importance. You cannot simply dissolve an addiction through understanding and awareness. You must replace that addiction with something else. Otherwise, you will be struggling continuously, trying to avoid and to deny and to repudiate your obsessive behaviors and tendencies. They are still operating within you even though you understand what they are and can think about them objectively.

A person who has been addicted to eating bad food and has become unhealthy and overweight can become addicted to health and athletics. But eventually they will have to deal with the real Four Pillars of their life: the Pillar of Health, the Pillar of Relationships, the Pillar of Work and Providership and the Pillar of their Spiritual Development.

Addiction and obsession occur when these Four Pillars are not being attended to adequately. That is why obsession and addiction represent a life that is out of harmony and out of balance. The teaching about the Four Pillars and the whole Four Pillar approach to life is the perfect antidote to obsession and obsessive behavior because it requires so much work, so much care, and so much attention being given to all of the fundamental elements of your life—all of which fall into one or more of these Pillars—that you do not have time to be obsessive or compulsive. You are taking on a life that requires you to be responsible all the time, to be aware and conscious all the time.

So even if you replace an unhealthy addiction with something that is healthier, you must eventually deal with the Four Pillars of your life. This is what really begins to establish a new and strong foundation for you, and puts distance between you and your former existence and all of the tribulations that were created there.

If you have been a person who has been obsessive or addicted to substances or other things, you must recognize that you have a compulsive-obsessive nature. And now you must manage that nature. You cannot make it go away. You cannot dissolve it by telling yourself that it is over. You cannot replace it with happy thoughts, or even with religious beliefs. You will have these tendencies ongoing. You cannot erase them, but you must learn to manage them. And management, self-management, is the issue here.

If you are engaged in any activity that is out of harmony with your values, then you are generating conflict, and you are losing energy to that. It is robbing you of life. It is robbing you of time. It is robbing you of self-confidence. It is robbing you of your self-esteem. It is taking you away from the real focus of your life and your ability to discover the greater purpose that has brought you into the world.

That is why you must manage obsessive tendencies. Replace them if you can with more beneficial activities. Shift your insecurity and your lack of stability, which drive your self-obsession, to focus on other things that are demanding of you. But they must be powerful replacements.

If you are a compulsive eater, then you will have to be a compulsive athlete to correct these tendencies. But that is only the beginning of your transition. You must then move into a focus upon the Four Pillars of your life, each of which will require a considerable amount of your time on a regular basis.

If your behaviors are not in keeping with your values, it will generate self-conflict and self-doubt within you. What are the behaviors that you engage in now that are not in keeping with your values or your sense of integrity? Write these down and really focus upon them. See what kind of behaviors or activities could replace these things that would be in keeping with your values and your sense of integrity?

Integrity means that you are one person: you are the same person in all situations, with only slight modifications for social adaptability; you are guided by one true impulse within yourself; that you are not moving in many directions at once; that you are unified and harmonized within yourself.

But to reach this state of integrity, it requires that your thinking and your behavior and your associations with others must be in keeping with your real values. Your real values are different from social values, which have been impressed upon you since childhood. The real values are your real values, that which is in keeping with Knowledge [the deeper intelligence] within yourself.

You may have to make compromises in your work, but you should not make serious compromises in your relationships with others. You should not make compromises regarding your personal behavior and activities.

If you violate yourself, you will feel violated, and you will be angry and frustrated. And this anger and frustration will be projected upon others in the form of accusations, blame and condemnation. You will hate others for the things that you yourself cannot accomplish. You will point the finger at other people’s failures because they represent your own. Everyone has much work to do in this regard. No one is exempt.

There are so few people who are strong with Knowledge—whose lives are really integrated, who are really in harmony with themselves in their lives—that there are almost no exceptions to what We are presenting here. People are violating themselves in countless ways, all the time, everywhere. They are violating themselves through their behavior, through their associations with others, through their ideas and beliefs, through their political and religious involvements, through their own personal behavior and standards. This has to do with you, and everyone.

Knowledge within you really gives you your true values, your true standards, because in your heart you know what is right and what is not. And this can be in grave conflict with your ideology or your beliefs, or your submission to the beliefs of others.

People can be addicted to ideas as much as they can be addicted to drugs. They can be addicted to romance. They can be addicted to the acquisition of wealth, taking risks, and winning the game. There are countless things that people are addicted to, but they all represent a substitute for Knowledge, and a kind of compensation for a life that is fundamentally out of balance and filled with insecurity and uncertainty. The manifestation of addiction is tremendous and varied. People can be addicted to the most innocuous things or the most dangerous things.

You know you are addicted when you think you cannot do without something that you can really do without. There are essential needs like food, water, shelter, clothing and security. There are important needs that are not essential such as companionship, sexuality, social engagements, artistic expression. Next, there are needs that are neither very important nor essential, and this includes a vast array of human activities.

You know you are addicted when you cannot do without something that is really not essential, when you believe that you cannot function without something when in reality it is not essential for your survival and well-being, particularly if it does not meet the first two criteria of that which is a need that is essential and an important need that is not essential. Beyond this, you must be willing to let go of anything that stands in your way, or that is impeding your progress, or that is compromising your integrity.

Addictions to food, addictions to pleasures, addictions to places, addictions to people, addictions to certain kinds of personality types, addictions to beauty, addictions to wealth, addictions to power, addictions to hobbies, addictions to sports, addictions to things that appear to be healthy but which in fact have become obsessive because they are displacing the other Pillars of one’s life.

Here a healthy activity or a personal interest can easily grow beyond the bounds of its value and benefit, overtaking a person incrementally until they find themselves so focused upon that, when in fact it is a very minor thing in their life. People become obsessed with athletic activities or with sports or with hobbies that began as a healthy interest and now have become something that is more dominating to the individual.

You can think of so many other situations that are obsessive and addictive because people all around you are engaged in so many different expressions of this fundamental problem of not being engaged with Knowledge and of having your life out of balance and out of integrity with your deeper values.

You can begin to see here that if you have a really disabling addiction, it is going to take a very strong form of activity to correct it. Going to the therapist and talking about it and gaining an understanding will not be enough to overcome it and to overwhelm it and to displace it in your experience. You are going to have to take on something that is much more intense and demanding, an activity and not just an understanding, or a set of activities that are so incompatible with your former addiction that you simply cannot do both in one life. That is why the remedy has to be very powerful; it has to be very demanding.

If you are going to go through the great difficulty of liberating yourself from an addiction to a drug, which can be a serious addiction, or any other disabling activity, it is going to take a very strong approach. You may have to leave all your former relationships. You may have to move to a very different place, put yourself in a very different set of circumstances permanently in order to have the opportunity to build a new life and experience of yourself. It will take a very strong effort to correct a life of obsession or addictive behavior.

There are rare cases where people simply lose interest in something and are able to escape these fixations, but this tends to be the exception, and to be exceptional itself. With the emergence of Knowledge, you will lose interest in things that are out of keeping with your deeper nature and your greater purpose for being in the world. Losing interest here will be gradual and progressive. But for some people, this will not be enough to get them over the top, to break the chains of addiction.

We, of course, recommend taking the Steps to Knowledge as the foundation for any necessary improvement in your inner and outer life. For without this, you are relying upon ideas alone, and ideas do not have the power that Knowledge has. Ideas alone do not have the power to break the chains of addiction or obsessive behaviors.

What this really means is creating a new life and tearing down the old life because you cannot put a new life on top of an old life. You have to dismantle the old life to a very great degree to be able to build something else in its place. This takes a great effort and great courage. You have to break your identification with your behaviors, with your ideas and with your history. That takes great courage and effort.

Knowledge will give you the power to do this and the inspiration to do this, but never think it is going to be easy or quick. You do not dismantle a life that you have been fortifying for decades in a matter of days, weeks, months, or even a year. You must be prepared to put yourself in very different circumstances, around people presenting very different influences, to be able to really create a new foundation for yourself.

For even the best seed will not grow in poor soil; even the most beautiful plant cannot grow amidst a field of weeds. You must find fertile soil. And this fertile soil really is your environment and your relationships.

If you stay with the same people, it will be very difficult to create a real change unless they are changing with you, and unless they are supporting your change wholeheartedly. People underestimate the power of their environment and their relationships to influence them and to dominate them. But nothing grows in poor soil; nothing thrives in impure waters. You cannot begin a new journey in life if you are held in place by your former life.

God has sent a New Message into the world for the redemption and protection of humanity. It has the power to lift you out of addiction and to prepare you to learn to build the Four Pillars of your life, even if you have not built them sufficiently before. It is the Power of God that resides within Knowledge within you, and it is the Power of God that is imbued in the New Message. It has not been corrupted or diluted by cultures or governments or the misuse of ambitious individuals. It is pure. It is powerful. It is real.

To be with the New Message from God is as if you had a chance to be with a Jesus or a Muhammad or a Buddha in their lifetime, when the Revelation was real and fresh and pure and had not been corrupted and adapted to culture, and overlaid with tradition and ideology.

The New Message has the power of redemption, but it still requires that you replace your obsessions with new behaviors, that you begin to build the Four Pillars of your life, and most fundamentally to gain a real connection with Knowledge within yourself that will give you the strength, the courage and the determination to begin a new journey in your life.

People talk about starting new journeys, but they are staying where they are—with the people that they are used to, with the ideas they are accustomed to, with the activities and behaviors that they have adapted to and where they feel secure. So nothing really happens. It is only a conversation; or perhaps it is a self-deception.

People think they are really changed when they have only just changed a few of their ideas and nothing else. They are still the same person with the same tendencies, the same weaknesses, the same frailties, the same deceptions, the same fantasies. Only it looks a little different because they have changed their perspective about it.

Yet they have not really begun to dismantle their former experience. They have not really broken the bonds that are holding them in place. They have not really begun the revolution that must happen within them to initiate a new life, a new awareness and a new experience of one’s self. To receive a New Message from God, you will go through this revolution. And perhaps you are going through it already.

Many people have begun this process. But they have not found the reinforcement that they need, they have not found the inspiration that they need, they have not found the skills and understanding that they need to really begin anew—to build a foundation based upon Knowledge and not upon ideas or convenience. Some people know they have made little progress; others think they have made great progress when they have, in fact, barely even begun.

You will know that you have made progress when your life is in keeping with your deeper values, and when you have shifted your relationship with everything, when you have moved your sense of authority from your ideas and your intellect to the deeper wellspring of Knowledge within yourself. You will know you have really begun anew when you look for Knowledge in others and when you can look upon the world without condemnation.

For Knowledge gives you this prescience, this vision, this awareness. Shifting from one ideology to another, from one system of belief to another, does not represent a real shift of any kind unless it is a shift that has happened at a deeper level within you, and unless it generates a very different kind of orientation and behavior on your part.

To go from being an angry and vengeful partisan in the political arena to being an angry, vengeful person in a religious arena does not demonstrate any real change at all. It is just you are expressing your instability and aberrancy in a different context. Your life looks different, sounds different, but in a sense is exactly the same.

So We are not talking about a makeover here, or a change in style, or a change in rhetoric, or a change in fashion, but a fundamental shift within you. It enables you to break the chains of addiction and to begin to build the Four Pillars of your life, which will occupy you completely and free your mind once your life is in keeping with your deeper values and with the reality of Knowledge within you.

God is calling you to respond. God is calling you through the New Message that God has sent into the world, a Message that is unlike anything that has ever been given to humanity before, to prepare humanity for a future that will be unlike anything the human family as a whole has ever had to face.

But this Calling requires a deep response from you, a deep commitment to build a new foundation in your life and an awareness within yourself that this is really what you want and need to do. The truth can only speak to the truth in you, and in so doing, it will reveal everything that is weak, false and unnecessary. God’s New Message will speak to what is true and inherent within you, and in so doing will reveal everything that is weak, false and unnecessary in your life.

You must be willing to face this, to accept this, not merely as a recognition but as something that you realize is essential. For if you are really honest with yourself, you will begin to see that your life is not really where it needs to be and that this is the case for most people. They are not where they need to be personally, in their relationships or activities. Even geographically, they might be in the wrong place, and that is why nothing is really happening for them.

To respond to a New Message from God and to respond to the greater purpose that has sent you into the world requires a kind of revolution within yourself—where your former dictators are overthrown and replaced by wise counselors; where your former degrading behavior and experiences are replaced by that which is inspiring, meaningful and productive.

Here you must attend to all Four Pillars of your life, which will create balance and strength. For your life is only as strong as the weakest of your Pillars. Like the four legs of a table, they uphold your life; the weakest leg determines the strength of that table.

Everyone has addictions, great or small. They all emanate from the same lack of balance and awareness in one’s self. They all are a replacement for true relationships. They all represent a life that is out of balance. They all require a serious and determined approach, one that is carried out with compassion and patience, but with great strength and fortitude.

Where will you find this strength? Where will you find this determination? You will find it in Knowledge. And that is why at the center of your redemption and your development and progress is taking the Steps to Knowledge because the closer you come to Knowledge, the more difficult it will be for you to make a mistake. And the more you will lose interest and identification with your former ideas and behaviors that have proven to be harmful and self-destructive to you.

God’s New Message has provided the Steps to Knowledge in a form that anyone can practice and understand. The Way of Knowledge is taught in many traditions, but you may have to search to find a teacher wise enough to guide you in this matter, and such teachers are rare and hard to find in the world.

So the New Message provides a pathway that you can begin today to study and to apply. This will strengthen your connection to Knowledge, which will empower your life and show you where your true devotion, your true love, your true happiness resides, and where it has always resided.

This restores your relationship with yourself, this gives clarity and meaning to your relationships with others, this reveals your real relationship for coming into the world and your purpose for being here. And this reunites you with your Source, which is the source of your strength, your meaning and your value. It is the Great Love that you carry, even at this moment.”

As revealed to Marshall Vian Summers on January 23, 2009 in Boulder, Colorado

After listening to and reading this Revelation something shifted within me. It gave me more clarity to how I viewed myself and the world around me. It showed me how vastly important self honesty is and how important honesty at a deeper level is. The level beneath the surface where my mind hardly ever goes with all its thoughts, fears and fantasies. This is the level of Knowledge. The deeper intelligent mind The Creator is asking us to find. For many this can be an initiation and a start on the journey to find that mind and what it holds for each persons life living in the world today. Nasi Novare Coram

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Adapting to Great Change

Great Change is coming to the world. Many are in denial of this change, many do not want to see its magnitude and others see it and are beginning to respond. Here is a Revelation from the New Message from God that is a warning, a blessing and a preparation for the times ahead.

A Revelation for many who feel the stirring within.

“In considering the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and humanity’s encounter with intelligent life in the universe—the two great events of this era of human evolution—it is necessary to understand what one must do to adapt to these changing circumstances. For even if humanity musters a great effort to counteract the impact of a deteriorating environment; of a changing climate; of diminishing food, water and energy resources; and even if humanity were to gain a greater unity and cooperation in facing the reality that your world is being penetrated by forces from beyond, from the universe in which you live, you will still have to adapt to changing circumstances.”

This adaptation then must be accepted, for if you think that technology, or some kind of magic, or government policy will be able to prevent this requirement for adaptation, you will be making a very serious mistake and will be denying yourselves the time necessary to prepare for a great change in your circumstances.

Indeed, what are you preparing for? You are preparing for a world that will experience grave shortages of food and water in certain areas, and overall will have to face diminishing resources concerning energy, and even very basic materials that you rely upon and that people everywhere rely upon. This is the consequence of humanity living beyond its means for so very long. It is as if the bill has come due after one has borrowed so heavily from your natural inheritance.

Many people today, of course, sense that deprivation will be coming and that things will have to change very dramatically. But often they do not see the scope of this, thinking that it can be remediated, thinking that it can be moderated by humanity’s efforts now. And, of course, these efforts are vital and necessary and should not be undermined for any reason.

But even so, great adaptation will be required. You will have to learn to live on far less. Unless you are impoverished and cannot feed yourself or house yourself adequately at this moment, you will have to use your resources much more carefully.

Of course, this will change your economy. It will change the appearance of life around you, as people now seek to fortify their own position with the very fundamentals of life and to build relationships not based upon hobbies or interests or consumer activities, but based upon deeper alliances that will be necessary for security, for cooperation and for the sharing and use of these resources.

The impact of this will be very great, and the adaptation will be difficult. Do not underestimate this. It will be greater than you now think. Yet has this not been recognizable, even from an earlier time? Could you not see that humanity would use up so much of the vital resources of the world, setting the world into a permanent state of decline, thinking that technology or innovation alone would be able to mitigate the results of this?

Have you not felt, perhaps for a long time, that there would be great consequences to how nations, groups and people use the world—diminishing its resources, destroying its wildlife and using its vital energy resources without any concern for the future, without any focus on conservation? Have you not seen this and felt this in moments of clarity or introspection?

If you can account for these past experiences, you will see that what the New Message is presenting is not so very new, but has actually been part of your experience for a very long time. It has been with you, though you have not adequately been with it.

The world has been speaking to you. The signs of the world have been speaking to you, but you have missed so very much, concerned only with your interests and your problems, your conflicts and your concerns, missing the cues of the world, not recognizing the movement of things.

For humanity has already turned a corner some time ago, and now it will have to face the consequences of diminishing resources in so many areas. The more you are connected to the world in this regard, the more vulnerable you will be. Even the very simplest things that you use—resources from around the world, resources that you expect and have depended upon, never thinking where they come from, how they are produced or the cost to nature and the environment for their production—now these things will become an ever-greater concern and produce ever-greater consequences for people everywhere.

What will this look like for you, who now must concern yourself with preparing for a future that will be so unlike the past? Think first that you must reduce your consumption of resources by at least fifty percent, particularly if you live in a wealthy nation or an affluent lifestyle. If you are very rich, you will have to reduce your consumption even more.

Your willingness to do this represents your integrity and your concern for the world. For if you insist upon an affluent, luxurious lifestyle, you will be feeding the engine of war. You will be requiring your government to gain access to resources wherever it can, at whatever cost—often beyond any boundaries you might set ethically or morally for yourself.

You are adapting to a world where it will be more difficult to live. And you will require greater innovation in your technology and a greater cooperation between your nations. But even here, you will not be able to offset completely the great changes that will come to the way you live and to your priorities.

There will be regions of the world that will become uninhabitable, and millions of people will have to flee them. They will become too arid. Their ability to sustain people with food and water will diminish to a point where people will have to leave and have to escape.

Where shall they go, these millions of people? They will need to find new homes, seeking access to the more temperate regions of the world and to the more affluent countries of the world. Will you accept their presence, or will you struggle against them to protect your lifestyle, to protect your own priorities? And what will happen when nations cannot sustain themselves economically because of the loss of resources, when the demands of their people far exceeds the supply of what they can provide. How will you regard this?

How will you respond when the cost of your food will take such a great proportion of your income? And will you have work within industries that will have no future, that society cannot afford? What will be your position? What will be your preparation? Will you pay attention to the signs of the world and begin to consider your life seriously, with commitment and compassion? These are all important questions that you must answer for yourself.

If you pay attention, the world will tell you what is coming. Knowledge within you, the deeper Intelligence that God has given you, will indicate the steps that you must follow—the beginning steps and all the steps that proceed thereon.

Perhaps this will require only minor adjustments, but you should consider that the change that will be required of you will be very substantial. You may not be able to live where you live. Your employment may not be viable in the future. The cost and expense of living will be very significant. And the needs of the very poor will be ever greater than they are today. That means that you must be prepared not only to provide for yourself, but to provide assistance for others—whether they be in other countries, or whether they be in your own neighborhood.

This adaptation is critical for humanity’s well-being, survival and potential for the future. For there must be a very great change in how people live and how they regard their relationship with the world and with one another. As things stand today, this change will be brought about by a few courageous people, but the majority of people will continue to plunder the world and to demand and expect ever-greater things from their governments and their religion, from one another and even from God.

Only a few will be visionary enough and courageous enough to really prepare for the future, and their preparation will make an immense difference in the kind of future that they have. They must be willing to function without consensus, doing things that other people are not doing, making decisions that others would not consider to be important—reducing their expenditures, reducing their activities to only what is really meaningful and essential

Here entire industries will disappear, as people no longer have the resources to indulge in them. Hobbies, travel, art, luxuries, collecting things. These industries and all the services associated with them could largely disappear.

Begin to think about this. Think about the plight of the elderly. Who will take care of them? Think about the plight of children. Who will take care of them? For if you do not prepare for the future, it will overtake you. If it does, you will not be in a position to provide much of anything. Instead, you will yourself require and need great assistance. Who will provide this great assistance? This is a very serious matter. You must have great courage to face it. And face it you must.

This is why God has sent a New Message into the world, to prepare you for the great change that is coming. What it speaks of is beyond current human conversation, except in very, very select circles. What it reveals is beyond the scope of human awareness. What it provides is greater than what humanity can provide for itself. Yet the New Message is here to encourage a greater honesty, a greater compassion and a greater awareness of what is happening in the world and what you must do now to begin to reorient your life and prepare your life.

Ultimately, this must come from Knowledge within you. For God has placed Knowledge within you to guide you and protect you in times such as these and into a future that you can barely even consider even at this moment.

It is to build your connection to Knowledge that is the greatest gift the New Message can give you, for you will have to rely upon it so very greatly. And it will reveal to you what your intellect could never understand. It is how God will speak to you— guiding you, counseling you and reinforcing you as you proceed forward.

Dispel your fantasies about transformation. Dispel your fantasies that you are entering an age of abundance. Dispel your fantasies that you could alter this with your thoughts, or with your affirmations, or with your proclamations. You have a fundamental responsibility to the world, and the world will determine the degree to which you can live here. You cannot override this.

For some people, this will require a great rethinking of their ideas and beliefs and position. Others will rail against God for letting them down, for not providing for them, and there will be a great loss of faith. Others will strike out against their neighbors, their governments or the governments of other worlds, thinking it is all a matter of politics and economics, failing to see that they have violated their fundamental relationship with the world and with nature itself.

God has put you into this world, but God has also set in motion the forces of nature. They are governing forces, and they are restraining forces. You can only overcome them to a certain degree. Beyond that, you must pay attention to them, honor them and understand how they function.

If humanity destroys its fundamental energy resources, what shall God do for you? What God will do for you is what God has already done for you, and that is to place Knowledge within you. Our recommendations are only for the outset, to give you time to see, to know and to prepare. But it will be Knowledge itself that will enable you to navigate the difficult and uncertain times ahead.

This is not about being positive or negative, fearful or loving. Set aside these dichotomies, for they are foolish. It is whether you can see and feel the movement of things, and whether you can respond as objectively as possible, without the blinding influence of hope or fear, but to see clearly. That is the essence of the matter.

You must be willing to see and feel things that others do not see and feel, functioning without agreement and consensus if you are to be strong with Knowledge. If you wait for everyone else, you shall share everyone else’s fate and predicament.

No one is going to come and rescue you. There is no returning to a golden age in the past. There is no magic formula or secret technology or extraterrestrial gift that is going to take this challenge away from you. Give up demanding solutions and face reality.

You are living at the end of the age of indulgence and now must enter the age of human unity and cooperation. The age of indulgence is coming to an end, and for many it will be overwhelming. Do not be overwhelmed. For many it will be a disaster. Do not allow yourself to go through that disaster. For many it will be such a profound disappointment that they will not know what to do. Do not be amongst their number.

Search your religious traditions. Search your worldly wisdom. Search the history of humanity. Search the New Message from God. Search for the signs of the world. Search for the signs of Knowledge within you that are even at this moment speaking to you and urging you to move in a certain direction.

Take the easy path and you will want to forget, thinking it is all foolishness or that it comes to nothing. Take the difficult path and you will have to face great unanswerable questions and a great deal of uncertainty with only Knowledge within you and Knowledge within others to lead you forward.

his is your greatest promise. This is your greatest hope. Do not appeal for the governments to take these problems away, for to a certain extent, they will not be able to. Do not require that God remove the results of centuries of humanity’s abuse of the world, for you and your children and their children must face the consequences of this.

You are living at the end of the age of indulgence. It is beginning now the age that will require human unity and cooperation and immense human courage and ingenuity—not the courage and ingenuity of a few saintly people, or a few gifted people, but of you and your neighbors.

The great temptation will be that humanity will fall into competition, conflict and war over the remaining resources. People will fight with each other to get what they want, what they need. This will happen at a local level, at a regional level, at a national level and in the world at large. This great temptation to fight and struggle, to overcome others to acquire what you want or need—these tendencies are already being activated. The fire of conflict and war is already being stoked in many places. The fear of deprivation is already overcoming many people, some of them very wealthy.

There must be a great choice in how humanity will face both the Great Waves of change and Intervention from the universe. If you struggle and fight, your chances of success will diminish accordingly. If you unite and join your resources, your possibility for success is enhanced accordingly.

That is a new platform for peace—not a platform based upon ethics or morality alone, but on absolute necessity. For no nation will be supreme if other nations collapse. No nation will be immune if the society, the economy and the social structure of other nations collapse. There is no immunity here with wealth and privilege. In fact, the wealthy and the privileged will have so much more to lose, and will feel so much more threatened by the thousand faces of the Great Waves of change and the thousand possibilities of conflict and collapse. They will even face the hostility from the poorer peoples, who will look upon them with hatred and vengeance.

Clearly there must be a New Message from God to help offset these deep-set tendencies and to minimize the effects of competition, conflict and war. It must stir within people a greater compassion and a greater commitment to secure security not just for their nation or group but for humanity itself.

For humanity as a whole is entering the most dangerous period of its entire history, a period in which its entire future could be determined within the next three or four decades—a set of circumstances where not only the well-being and the security of humanity is at stake, but your freedom within a Greater Community of intelligent life. Do not think this will not affect your life, and even very profoundly.

Therefore, your ability to see, to know and to prepare will lessen the difficulty, will lessen the stress of this, will give you a more solid ground to stand upon and will put you in a position to assist others. For there will have to be great human contribution in the future, greater than has ever been required before.

This has a redeeming quality to it. For everyone in the world was sent here to serve a world in need, to serve the world in these very circumstances that are being revealed here. Therefore, no matter how difficult things can become, no matter how challenging circumstances become, it has a redeeming quality in bringing people into greater service to one another and to the world.

This is the great potential of your time, the great promise and advantage of your time, but it can only be realized if you have a stronger foundation within yourself that can keep you from building fantasies or responding from fear, terror, anger or revenge. God has given you this foundation, and though it is little known to you at this moment, its value and importance to your life will become ever greater and eventually will be the focus of your life.

If everything were wonderful and people were secure and everything were assured, the need for Knowledge would not be great and only the very wise or the very dissatisfied would seek it for greater revelation and greater fulfillment. But entering a time of profound and prolonged difficulty is actually a very good environment and very stimulating for Knowledge.

For you must wake up now. You must become serious about your life. You must pay attention to your circumstances. You must learn about what you use from the world and how you are going to deal with profound and unexpected change in the future.

This is very redeeming for people and can ultimately make humanity a much stronger and more united race than it is today. For your affluence has been more of a curse than a benefit for many people—leading them to dissolution, leading them to corruption, leading them away from the power and presence of Knowledge within themselves, making them listless and unresponsive to the world.

The age of indulgence is coming to an end. Its dangers are immense. Its opportunities are immense. Its challenge will be overwhelming. Its opportunity for contribution will be profound.

You cannot hold yourself back here. You cannot remain neutral, disassociated from all these things. And the degree to which you can recognize this now, accept the shock of this now, will have a great bearing on whether you can survive in the future and build a strong foundation for your life and fulfill yourself through service to others—to become a person of integrity, a person who is deeply responsible, a person who has gained a greater worldly wisdom, a person who can feel the grace and the power of Knowledge within themselves in times of peace and in times of great difficulty.

You have a great chance, a great opportunity here to emerge from these difficult circumstances a renewed person—a person of great strength and vision, a person who is capable of facing uncertainty, a person who can view conflict without hatred and anger, a person who can see human need and recognize ways that it can be met, a person who is not fooled by all the things that fool people and make them weak and unsuspecting and easily manipulated by others.

You have this great opportunity, and now the world will support this opportunity by requiring great things from you. Do not, then, feel sorry for yourself that you must face such a great challenge in life, for indeed it is a gift. It holds the promise of your redemption.

For you are not redeemed in the world by believing in God, or by worshipping God. You are redeemed in the world by fulfilling what you came here to do. And what you came here to do is tied directly to the condition, circumstances and future of the world. No matter what the nature of your contribution, even if you are only to serve one other person, this will still be the case. But it takes a change of heart, a shift within you to see the great possibilities for you and the great possibilities for the entire human family.

For I tell you, weak and divided, you will not remain free in the universe. Other groups, intervening groups, will gain access to your leaders and to the sources of power in this world. If you are weak, indulgent, divided and in conflict with yourselves, you will be fundamentally weak and vulnerable in the universe.

So the great changes that are coming to the world now, and the Great Waves of change, have the opportunity to re-establish humanity as a powerful and united race of freedom-loving peoples. Indeed, it is only the Great Waves of change that really at this point hold the promise of giving you this possibility. Without this, humanity would simply decline—corrupt, conflicted and indulgent. It would just diminish, until some other force in the universe came along to claim authority here.

So while you are dreaming about your life, dreaming about fulfillment, dreaming about the things you want and fearing the things you do not want, there are great forces at work in the world—moving the world, changing the circumstances of life. Ignore these at your own peril.

Recognize these. Face these. Do not demand solutions, for you must work with the problems. You must gain access to others to help you. You must become strong, stronger than you are today, wiser than you are today, more sober about your life—which means you are not governed by hope and fear, but can see clearly, objectively, with courage.

This is the great Revelation of your time. It is towards this that you must give your attention now. You have time, but not a lot of time. You have an opportunity, but not an endless opportunity. You have real promise, but not endless promise.

Receive God’s Message and Revelation and God’s warning, blessing and preparation, for it has come to the world at this time. It calls upon the great well of human wisdom and compassion that has been built over the centuries despite humanity’s conflicts and abuse of the world. You have everything you need to be successful. Your greatest adversaries are yourselves.

Therefore you must choose. This choice is not simply an idea but a pathway that you follow, your life demonstrating which way you have chosen—what you have chosen for yourself and for the world and for the future of the human family here. That is your statement.Make no verbal proclamations. But look to your life and look to what is coming over the horizon—without hope and without fear, but with the clarity of Knowledge.”

This Revelation was received by Marshall Vian Summers on May 22, 2008 in Brockenhurst, England

Many of us can feel within the change that is coming to the world. Will you begin to respond to this change or will you go on in life business as usual. The choice is yours and deep within you know what to follow.

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How the Humanity within each of Us Can Respond During a War effecting All of Us.

We are here in this world to be a beacon of light to shine for others to see. To be of service and contribution to others as the world declines in resources by the degradation of humanity and as society escalates in tension and conflict. We also see and can feel the decline of empathy, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness in many places of the world. These things of course are connected; but how? In this blog I will not attempt to give you my feelings on how, but I will share something for the whole world to find and to learn from and to grow into which sheds tremendous light on the “How.” These Revelations have been given to one man and through this one man to the entire world. So, basically it is from the ONE[Creator of ALL life] to the Many[Angelic Presence overseeing this world] to the one[Marshall Vian Summers] to the Many[the entire population of this world called earth.]

Look and see how beautiful a planet we have been given. We are the stewards of this gem in the universe. Yet, instead of supporting a planet that has been supporting us we are destroying it out of greed and corruption and War.

I will share TWO Revelations given to this world by The Divine to one man. It is here to make us aware of why we are all here, where we come from, what we need to do and and who we must meet during the course of our lives. The New Message is here for us to learn of and to practice. It is a warning, a blessing and a preparation for each of us who can feel its truth and its calling for us here in the world and to face what is already here and what is coming over the horizons.

The Battleground is a Revelation received on June 18 2013 in Boulder Colorado. It shines light and wisdom for those who will take the time to read it and then contemplate what it is saying to you and what it means for your life.

I pray if you have encountered this blog you read what has been given. It is for you and your life. It is why you are truly here. “You must speak out against war. It is never justified. It is errors compounded. It is failure compounded. The incentive to go to war over resources, territorial control and overcoming a perceived enemy will be so great in the future when the resources of the world will diminish and economic difficulties will arise here, there and everywhere. It will be a great trial for humanity.”

The other Revelation I will share with you is called “What Will End War.” received on April 29 2007 in the Old City Jerusalem, Israel.

The peace that can be forged in the future must be based upon necessity. It must be based upon a clear understanding that humanity is entering a period of grave difficulty—facing a world in decline, a world of declining resources where many more people will be drawing from the bounty that the world can provide, a world where humanity will be facing competition from other races from beyond the world—a set of circumstances when taken together is greater and more profound and far reaching than anything that humanity as a whole has ever had to face before.

May you who have found this feel the stirring within you and the calling Heaven has for you. May you begin to respond to what has been given and begin to feel and know you are here for a deeper purpose which holds the very meaning and direction you so yearn for in your life.

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True Desire and The True Path

I have asked a dear friend to share some of his writing here. I feel he is an excellent writer and touches upon the many experiences and feelings we all share in the world. Here is one of many writings by him.

There exists in the world a true desire for each of us. It is a journey to find this true desire that leads to the purpose it carries for us.

There is true desire. Where what we want converges with what we need and what is truly ours, waiting to be claimed. Not for possession. For contribution. At this intersection of genuine desire and need, there is a contribution to the world we must make and those people we need in order to do that. This desire is true and deep. It is calm. It moves toward integration and clarity. The less healthy aspects of our personality can fight against it. Because it always represents a challenge. It always asks us to bring our greatest level of maturity to bear. And part of us does not want to grow up and leave the familiar comfort of what we have known.

This true desire lies waiting. Within us and simultaneously in the world. The “wanting” here is pure. And it can be felt when the inner attraction meets its target in the world. There can be profound recognition. No I do not mean “romance” or soulmate or what is the other one, twin-flames … no it is something else entirely. It is not about our personal fulfillment and gratification and complete satisfaction in a couple union with each other.

It is something far more impressive and exciting. It is a coming together of people for a greater, transcendent purpose. It could be a couple relationship. But it could take another form. Most of you know this. Perhaps you just have not been able to put it into words. Many of you have experienced this, as parents for example. In community involvement. But the depth and the degree to which it is experienced in any arena can vary greatly.

It can be a very rich and deep and sustaining experience … beyond any other blessing life can bestow. Or it can be experienced at a more modest level of intensity but still with outwardly emanating benefits, whose “good” can go on and on, rippling outward.

This desire is the desire to follow what God has put within each of us. It is a Presence which guides us and protects us in life so that we may one day become aware of its presence and begin to follow it and allow it to express itself through us. This is why we have come here.

The experience of this true desire is not “like a hunger”. It does not feel appetitive in its nature though it may look like it is expressing itself that way sometimes. It is more like a mighty hand is carrying you ever so gently in a particular direction. Toward someone. Towards something. It is very powerful. It has frightened me on occasion. It is uniform. Freed of conflicts and ambivalence. Simple. Able to give without restraint. Able to restrain without effort. If we can join with it we can serve the greater plan that genuinely does exist beyond our comprehension. But I would never expect anyone to believe this. Unless you experience it across a significant time frame well it is easy and even natural to doubt it.

I can’t pretend that I even like all of this. Not wholeheartedly, without reservation all of the time. Yet I know these things to be true from my experience.

Then there is false desire. There is “wanting to want”. The concealment of our genuine needs. It is turbulent, exciting, dramatic to experience. It is seductive. Assertive. It has real power. Not the greatest power. But on the surface it makes the most noise and vies for the greatest attention. It whispers in our ears about attainments, accomplishments, ambitions … Up to a certain point in our development, wanting to want is the best we can do. And from the engagements it brings us into we can learn everything we need to learn to come to true desire. But this pathway necessarily entails pain. And loss. This is life.

This desire is the Mystery that lives within you waiting to express itself through you into this world so that you and it may fulfill its mission and destiny in this world.

If we can survive and learn and grieve our losses, avoiding repetitions of the same errors, it is possible to find a greater freedom.

Until we are able to simply want what is truly ours, our desires are a “wanting to want” what is not ours. A concealment of our true needs, those which carry us toward the possibility of fully flowering into the person we are ultimately meant to be. In this sense, destiny is a very real thing. But it is quite different to the many illusions we can mistakenly manufacture in its place.

To claim my true desire, to find my true need and have the opportunity to express my genuine contribution I have to accept my responsibility, not just for everything which is mine to be accountable for, but for a greater set of needs the world calls out to me to shoulder. Once I am able to. Once I have developed the capacity sufficiently and have honed the skills required enough. Once I have become “good enough” at being able to do this. Because I will not be alone in this. I will need others. Particular people. In particular contexts. Where we provide in particular ways, meeting particular needs. I find this very mysterious. But I also know it to be true.

I am able to encompass all of this in my understanding to some extent. But it remains to be seen whether I can continue to live it or not to any extent.

There is only one true path. It does not lie fixed and unchanging ahead of us. And even if it did we could never see it, in its fullness. But it moves, in any case with the emerging circumstances of the world. Every other possible path is an error. Billions of possible errors. One true path.

Finding your true path could only be described as a very significant development. How few really do so? Getting lost is not only easy and common, it is frequently so captivating we do not notice we are lost, until … Sometimes it can be too late. I have seen this in the lives of others. I have become aware a few times in my life I was skating very close to that abyss. That perception is a terrifying one. But it is even more unfortunate not to have it, or to be unable to face it.

When that occurs people plunge to their ruin, more or less swiftly as if hellbent on an inevitable process of destruction. Sometimes apparently powerless to pull themselves out of it. This is a terrible and irrevocable reality of life. And it can help me to take my life seriously. It is essential in order to avoid ruin.

How so many of us are be guided by our ambivalence and ambition that we truly miss the golden thread of our lives which is the very core of our life and why we are even here.

But this path of ruin is not where any of us need to go. It is no longer where I need to go. But I have been this far before, 30 years ago and I did lose my way. Not completely. But 20 years later it had come very close to that.

53 years is a long time to spend living before you feel some small degree of confidence in saying these things about yourself and your life. And yet what it really means is that I am extremely fortunate. But it does not indicate any further meaning, positive or negative. For some can only come to this place much later in life. Some have their opportunity to do so, stripped from them by injustice, circumstances, oppression, a sudden and unforeseeable accident.

Therefore just to arrive really is an incredible event. Some good fortune is certainly involved. Following this path is the real substance of life. Can I do this? How far can I go? What is the next step? These are the questions I find absorbing me with greater and greater gravity. -JD-

Thank you JD/Burning Song for this deep writing! It has opened my eyes to many things to look at in my life and what I need to do in the now and into the future.

“There is only one true path. It does not lie fixed and unchanging ahead of us. And even if it did we could never see it, in its fullness. But it moves, in any case with the emerging circumstances of the world. Every other possible path is an error. Billions of possible errors. One true path.” Something for us all to ponder and be with.

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To Change Our World From The Outside We Must 1st Change Ourselves from the Inside.

To know where one is going one must 1st know where one has been. This takes courage and the will to accept our errors of the past so that we may begin to forge a new life in this world by learning from them and not making them again. The most profound change taking place in the world today is the change of the individual. The change which is taking place with the hearts of individuals who have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

We are here for a purpose and have been sent to serve and give to the world and to others in specific and meaningful ways. To see this for oneself one must begin to change the way they 1st look at themselves and then the world. If I change the way I look at things the things I look at change.

“It is becoming evident to ever increasing numbers of people that great change is needed if humanity is to meet the challenges of its time. Great change is needed in how governments function and in how people behave and respond. Great change is needed in many organizations and institutions to adapt to a changing set of circumstances in the world.”

“Many people proclaim the need for change, but they want other people to change. They themselves do not want to really change. They want to hold on to their privileges and benefits and have more, and lash out at anyone or anything they think will threaten their entitlements and their possessions. There is a clamoring for change, but who will change, and what will change?”

After reading these passages a few years ago, I felt a desire and a strong need to change the way I was thinking so that my outside circumstances could begin to change. I took a deep evaluation of the relationships I had with the people in my life and the things in my life. After looking at each of them and if they served a purpose in my life, I decided to begin to let go of the people and the things which didn’t serve me or my life in a meaningful and purposeful way. This gave my life a simplicity it never really had before. This was and still is a slow and sometimes painful process. Yet, in this journey I have learned and grown so much from my unburdening and my unlearning that I have the energy and the space to start anew. This has proven not only inspiring to me but it has given me more room for compassion and forgiveness of myself and others. For in letting go certain people and things and even places in my life it has given me the capacity to let go resentments and anger because I became ready. For I learned how to let go by letting go. It has been an amazing gift to me which was not foreseen when I 1st started out on this journey of letting go.

“You must assess your real needs, the deeper needs within yourself, and contrast them with your preferences and your desires. If a need is genuine, it stands apart from what you simply want. There are primary needs of course—the need for food, water, shelter, safety and security. There is the need for true companionship, a need to be engaged with other people in meaningful and productive ways. These are essential needs. They must be met or you cannot function in the world.”

“Then, of course, there is the need for a greater kind of relationship based upon what you are really here to accomplish. That begins to move you into a higher level of need, the need of the soul—the need to find the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life within the world. There are psychological needs for creativity and productivity, for recognition from others and for honest and productive communication.”

So real change for me is what I serve and why and then in what I do in the world and with others to make it a better place for us ALL and not just a select few. “Real change is a change of heart. It is a change in the way you feel about things and a change in the way you see yourself and your life. It is a change not only in perception, but in what you choose to do as a result. That is the real change.” For what we do together far outweighs what we do alone. For we can do Nothing Alone. Let me repeat that-We Can Do Nothing Alone!

“Otherwise you are facing a situation where people want to keep what they have and have more. Whether their needs are authentic or not, that is their position. They will elect leaders of the land who they think will give them what they want, even if it leads the nation to ruin. Any leader who claims that they are a candidate of change really will have to ask people to change the way they see themselves and to have a change of heart because that is the level at which real change takes place.”

Here our whole paradigm of living must change for it is founded in competition and in this competition is born ambition. From ambition greed is born and from this corruption. This is the world we live in today. This is the world we have come to serve. And yet it can only change if the individual begins to change starting with one and then blossoming from there. All it takes is ONE person to change and for others to recognize the benefit and the meaning that these changes hold for the many.

The world is changing at such an accelerating pace in all aspects of life. Here are some of the things taking place in the world now. Can you see where changes are needed? If so, what can you do within your own life 1st to contribute to those changes?




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Feeling Change

There are so many changes taking place in our world. Some can see them and some perhaps many can feel them for that is why they have been sent into this world at this time. We as a race will be seeing these changes more and more as time goes on and we are not prepared for them. We must begin to follow what we feel; for many are feeling the changes that are here but are not accepting their presence out of fear, preference or denial. “Great change is coming to the world, and people around the world are feeling this and sensing this and seeing the evidence of this. But the great change exceeds people’s concerns and expectations.

We all have a life to live but many of us don’t know what that truly is. It is time to find the true purpose for bringing you into this world. It is with you! You must begin to seek it out. The need of the soul is strong. You will always have that feeling of emptiness or being alone until you begin to fulfill the most fundamental need you have…the need of your soul.

“For humanity has disrupted the world so sufficiently that now you are facing a different kind of world—a new world, a world of different dimensions, a world that will be quite new to your experience in so many ways, a world with a new climate, a world of diminishing resources, a world of growing economic and political upheaval and conflict, a world of greater stress and uncertainty, a world of erupting situations and natural catastrophes, a world where your food production will decline with the changing climate.”

“At the surface of your mind, you are swept by the winds of the world. You are chaotic. Your life does not seem to have a true direction. You are influenced by so many things from the outside. Your life can feel chaotic, confused, disorganized, disintegrated, disregulated—however you may choose to describe it.”

“But at a deeper level beneath the surface of the mind, there is a greater Intelligence within you. This Intelligence is here to guide you, to protect you and to prepare you to live a greater life in service to living in a new world.”

When we begin to acknowledge the feelings we have of the changes taking place in the world we can begin to see them honestly. Embracing these changes and learning how to cope with them in an honest way gives us strength and courage. This gives us confidence in our own abilities to face them and to turn to our inner most compass called Knowledge to guide us and protect us in times of need, in times of disaster and in times of calamity. Yet, this also is a beacon of light for others to see when the darkness of the world is upon them. For the world will become much darker in the times to come and it needs beacons of light to shine in service and contribution to others so that we have the light of heaven to shine through you, through me so others can see that there is hope in the times ahead.

“It could be said that the experience of Knowledge is the experience of profound honesty. This is the result of wanting to know the truth above and beyond all other considerations. It could be said that learning The Way of Knowledge is learning the way of honesty—going beyond the honesty of what you feel and think into the honesty of what you truly know.”

“But at a deeper level beneath the surface of the mind, there is a greater Intelligence within you. This Intelligence is here to guide you, to protect you and to prepare you to live a greater life in service to living in a new world.”

“To begin, [you] must be honest with [your] inclinations, at least insofar as to realize that [you] must gain a greater freedom, ability and participation in life. You must have this honesty just to begin. Many people are not yet this honest. You must have greater honesty to be able to look at the Greater Community presence in the world and to gain the vantage point to see what it really is and what is really happening.”

For humanity has disrupted the world so sufficiently that now you are facing a different kind of world—a new world, a world of different dimensions, a world that will be quite new to your experience in so many ways, a world with a new climate, a world of diminishing resources, a world of growing economic and political upheaval and conflict, a world of greater stress and uncertainty, a world of erupting situations and natural catastrophes, a world where your food production will decline with the changing climate.

The world and the changes taking place are accelerating at a rapid pace. Is humanity prepared to meet the needs and challenges of these changes and will we be able to see that we must be of service to others and not just ourselves. Here is one article that is worth reading for this problem and the issues that will follow must be looked at with clear eyes and open hearts. Change in the physical manifest world is a constant. Things are always changing and we can feel these changes within us. Do we ever look at what we are feeling and why? Can we begin to take those feelings and do something with them for the betterment of this world? I feel that we can! But it takes practice and determination to know what we feel and then feel what we know! To follow what we know deep within us is to follow Gods plan for us no matter what the consequences or outcomes may be. To be able to follow what one knows without questioning this takes great courage, honesty and determination! Can we do this and do it consistently? Only time will tell.

To fly above this earth at 30 thousand feet up and look down I am often reminded of how trivial and meaningless many things are in life on the ground. And for a brief moment in time I am given the answer to my question on life: Is this all there is? No, there is much more to life than what we experience on the ground. Life is full of purpose, meaning and direction if I have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. That we are never alone for our Teachers are with us to guide us toward that purpose and meaning life holds for each of us. All we have to do is look for it! This is a good place to start: https://stepstoknowledge.com/


Follow your hearts and you will be amazed at the journey you will encounter and the Mystery that awaits you.

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If You Change The Way You Look At Things The Things You Look At Will Change.

This quote was presented to me by my sponsor years ago when I first became clean and sober… free of alcohol and drugs. As my body and mind became clearer and healthier my thinking began to change. It is in this transformation and change I would like to talk about today.

The first thing I had to change in my own mind was how I thought of myself and how to unlearn the habit of judging and condemning myself. For if I could not change this way of thinking within me how could I begin to practice it with others in the world.

In my early life, I was living without meaning, without purpose and without direction. My mind became so conditioned by society and the times I was living in that all I was concerned with was having a good time full of fun and pleasure. I didn’t see the world as it was. I only saw it the way I wanted to see it and this was not the true reality I was a part of. Although I had some ambition for success, I also had this inner need in my heart pulling me closer to do something of service for others and this calling was the only thing that kept me closer to my center line and golden thread of my life…my true purpose for being here. This is the miracle and the Mystery we are all being pulled by deep within us. I came to recognize this years later in my life up until now; for as my life became clearer to me without the confusion and distortion alcohol and drugs brought to it, so did my reason for being here in this world become more clearer. I was starting to seek the truth of my life and why I was here in this world. I feel we all have these thoughts and desires to seek the truth of our own existence however fleeting they are.

Flying above the world away from all its distractions and influences, I began to see and feel that there was so much more to life than what I was experiencing. The more I flew and back then I flew a lot, the more I felt this Presence. The Presence deep within me that my life was given to me to do something of value with it. My perception of what value meant is what was changing.

My life was changing because my thinking was changing. The real change was a change of heart within me. The things I thought were important and necessary were beginning to leave me. Things like having a lot of money, being successful only to look good in front of others. Competing with others because of my own ambition instead of learning how to relate to them were losing their importance. Seeking meaning more than pleasure or success were becoming more important to me. Something of greater value started to emerge within me. I just didn’t know what it was or what it meant. But it was always there guiding me along the way to the next step of my evolution in this life.

“You must assess your real needs, the deeper needs within yourself, and contrast them with your preferences and your desires. If a need is genuine, it stands apart from what you simply want. There are primary needs of course—the need for food, water, shelter, safety and security. There is the need for true companionship, a need to be engaged with other people in meaningful and productive ways. These are essential needs. They must be met or you cannot function in the world.

Then, of course, there is the need for a greater kind of relationship based upon what you are really here to accomplish. That begins to move you into a higher level of need, the need of the soul—the need to find the deeper Knowledge that God has placed within you to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to a greater life within the world. There are psychological needs for creativity and productivity, for recognition from others and for honest and productive communication.”

Ah yes, it was in my forties that I began to feel that the need of my mind and its desires were holding me back from following another path. This path became clearer to me a few years later when I found something of great importance for my life…and this was and is the need of my Soul! This was the great void I was feeling for much of my life. Living life only for pleasure and the pursuit of happiness were holding me back from the one true need I and we all have but very few recognize…it is the most fundamental need of life. It is the need of the Soul.

When I read this passage it felt clear deep within me that this is what I have been searching for and longing for all my life. This is what is tied to my existence and to the thoughts and feelings I have had regarding the universe in which we live and the Greater Community I felt as a child we belonged to. I was home…

“To meet these needs within yourself, you must change. You have basic fundamental needs, you have psychological needs, and then you have the need of the soul. To meet these needs, you cannot be what your past has shaped you to be so far. You may want the world to change around you, and you may agitate for this, and perhaps your requests are genuine. But fundamentally you must change, or you cannot meet the needs of the body, the needs of the mind and the need of the soul. You cannot simply demand that the world gives you everything you think you want, for you do not even really know what you need beyond the basic requirements of life.”

We all want change. Yet, we know so very little of what true change entails. I lived with so much confusion and still do today but it has diminished because of my thinking has become clearer. For it contains more meaning, purpose and direction for my life. I am learning from my errors. I am learning from others errors. I am learning from the worlds errors. I am learning of my past and where I have been. And the more I learn from where I have been the more I learn of where it is I must go! I am becoming more open to thinking outside the box. That box which makes up the walls of my self made prison and the jungle I have been living in for much of my life.

“People say they want relationship and marriage, but they are not ready. People say they want to know their true purpose in life, but they are not ready. People say they want meaningful work in the world, but they are not ready, they have not prepared for this. They cannot have these things being the way they are now; they are not ready. They have not prepared themselves. They have not undergone the real change that must occur.”

“Many people want and demand change in the world. They see a genuine need for change, but they themselves are unwilling to change. They are unwilling to reevaluate their thinking, their behavior, their engagements, their beliefs and their attitudes. So they agitate for change on the outside, but they themselves will not change. They are as entrenched in their position as the people they claim to oppose. So you have conflict in the world by opposing parties that are entrenched in their views. They are unwilling to change.”

We resist change because we know it is going to bring about something different, something unexpected. … We do not know what a particular change is going to bring about, and because we fear not knowing this, we will resist change for as long as we possibly can.”

Our world is changing. Many can see and feel this and many more cannot. The Great Waves of Change are moving in the world. Their forces are becoming ever more present, obvious and alarming. If we as a race do not begin to change with these forces then we will become a victim of them. Our world is also emerging into a Greater Community of Worlds full of intelligent life. These two thresholds and events will change human destiny and what we do now and into the future will determine the destiny of future generations. And yet, in many cases our thinking has not changed and it must if we are to continue living in this world.

I have shared some of my experiences in my life because I know many can relate to them. You who are reading this now read it because you either have been where I have or are their now. You are searching for some kind of meaning for your life and I can tell you there is great meaning for it. You carry it within you! It just takes work to find and great practice of being honest with yourself, humble, determined and accepting. To see for yourself that your thinking must change in order to see the true reality in front of you is a gift. Cherish this gift. Remember this gift each day when you can and open it. For then and only then can you see and feel that your life is much more than what you think at the surface of your mind. It carries with it deeper currents.

The currents of Change are a constant for life and the world are always moving. I/we must change with these currents . Yet, for me, before I could truly change and bring Real Change into my life I had to learn how to listen and become still. I had to learn how to listen so that I may listen how to learn.

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