Finding Compassion In World Change

So many of us are tapped out, to say the least: energetically, physically, mentally. Right now it is more evident than ever that the human race is strained and some individual limits are being met. You may feel it at the grocery store, and most definitely online. Stress has already been a major epidemic in the world before we found ourselves smack dab in the middle of the “Great Waves of Change.” Now deep social injustices are finally being realized. We can now say there is no return to “normal.”

Here, Marshall Vian Summers discusses viewing Earth and mental illness as an angel would. It might seem a little blunt to hear at first, but think of what you are existing in as a hospital. You don’t walk into a hospital and expect wellness, do you? You have to work with what is. People are not well.

Take care of yourself and those around you in these times. When you’re ready, feed people and build bridges.

Nasi Novare Coram

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Can We Adapt as A Race to Face the Great Waves of Change?

“The question will surely arise: What can you expect regarding the Great Waves of change?”

Specifically, what will take place will be determined in part by humanity’s ability to respond and to prepare. What will take place is that the world will become warmer, producing greater loss of food production and great scarcity of water resources in many places in the world while there will be tremendous flooding in other places. Energy resources will diminish, creating economic upheaval and in some places even collapse.”

“In considering the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world and humanity’s encounter with intelligent life in the universe—the two great events of this era of human evolution—it is necessary to understand what one must do to adapt to these changing circumstances. For even if humanity musters a great effort to counteract the impact of a deteriorating environment; of a changing climate; of diminishing food, water and energy resources; and even if humanity were to gain a greater unity and cooperation in facing the reality that your world is being penetrated by forces from beyond, from the universe in which you live, you will still have to adapt to changing circumstances.”

“This adaptation then must be accepted, for if you think that technology or some kind of magic or government policy will be able to prevent this requirement for adaptation, you will be making a very serious mistake and will be denying yourselves the time necessary to prepare for a great change in your circumstances. This adaptation is critical for humanity’s well-being, survival and potential for the future. For there must be a very great change in how people live and how they regard their relationship with the world and with one another. As things stand today, this change will be brought about by a few courageous people, but the majority of people will continue to plunder the world and to demand and expect ever-greater things from their governments and their religion, from one another and even from God.”

“Indeed, what are you preparing for? You are preparing for a world that will experience grave shortages of food and water in certain areas, and overall will have to face diminishing resources concerning energy, and even very basic materials that you rely upon and that people everywhere rely upon. This is the consequence of humanity living beyond its means for so very long. It is as if the bill has come due after one has borrowed so heavily from your natural inheritance.”

“The world has been speaking to you. The signs of the world have been speaking to you, but you have missed so very much, concerned only with your interests and your problems, your conflicts and your concerns, missing the cues of the world, not recognizing the movement of things.”

“You are adapting to a world where it will be more difficult to live. And you will require greater innovation in your technology and a greater cooperation between your nations. But even here, you will not be able to offset completely the great changes that will come to the way you live and to your priorities.”

“If you pay attention, the world will tell you what is coming. Knowledge within you, the deeper Intelligence that God has given you, will indicate the steps that you must follow—the beginning steps and all the steps that proceed thereon.”

I have been watching “Eat Pray and Love” and the feelings I have felt about life and of my own life have surfaced. I can remember many times searching for that “true happiness” we have all been conditioned to want and have and thinking “will I ever have true happiness? Traveling the world as I did for years searching for something I thought the world had for me never really knowing that what I was searching for was mostly within me; although the world holds a part of it, the ones I must meet hold a part of it and the Unseen Ones hold a part of it. Watching this movie now gives me the opportunity to feel and experience being grateful…for now I know what it is we are all searching for but many don’t know where to look. Because of the New Message from God, the sacrifice of Marshall, Patricia and Reed, the Society the sacrifice of the Allies of humanity and the ability to receive what I must and then give it back is the gift I was searching for. And now being a student of the The Way of Knowledge I can live and still search because I have found the mountain that I was searching for to climb. I am grateful for all of you who are climbing that mountain with me and searching and finding as we go. Nasi Novare Coram

I lived my life for years conditioned to believe that success and being “truly happy” was all there was to life. After getting clean and sober I found that what I was feeling inside of me was a calling to a life that was far greater than what I had envisioned or was taught. To live life fully for me means to be of service and contribution to others and to a world in great need! I feel that in these 2 paragraphs which you are reading are speaking to you and your life immensely. All you need to do is just take the time to listen to yourself and what your deeper nature is saying and what it is calling out of you. STOP, BECOME AWARE, MAKE A CHOICE and FOLLOW THROUGH.

Great Change is upon us as a RACE and we are not prepared. To prepare for something means you must 1st acknowledge that you need to follow a curriculum in order to prepare. The areas in blue are sites which contain such a curriculum for the times ahead.

The Covid Pandemic and especially now the death of George Floyd are clear signs that our world is changing. Climate change is not the only change taking place. Political and social unrest is on the rise and will be rising higher in the days, the months and the years ahead! It is time now to find and to feel what is speaking within you my friend and respond to these things in a productive way.

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Real Change: Accepting Restraint During Global Crisis

“This will be a time of restraint and contraction, a time of great uncertainty and instability. The less burden you have to carry regarding your possessions and regarding relationships that you are engaged in that have no real value or purpose, the more energy you will have and the more resources you will have internally to consider what you must do.”


During the COVID-19 Pandemic it has been necessary, and sometimes even easy, to drop things that no longer serve us. We find out what we can live without because, well, they are not at our fingertips anymore.

It is a great time to re-evaluate what freedom means to us, what simplicity means.

To some adventurers, “van life” has been a means of seeing the world and having possessions at a bare minimum. Life’s responsibilities stripped down, the open road, and living frugally and simply.

Now there is another consideration that puts van life at the whim of travel restriction during a pandemic.

“In some ways, Covid-19 has been like a game of musical chairs for overlanders, who have found themselves in varying situations depending on where they happened to be when the music stopped.”

BBC News

Being able to adapt to change, to learn to restrain yourself, so that others may simply live and so you don’t find yourself swept up in a crisis, is a great strength in these times. What does this mean for you? What are you willing or not willing to question?

Perhaps minimalism has a tipping point when it begins to put you at risk. To own few things can feel deeply freeing. But what do you need to own in order to prepare for a future that is unlike the past?

The world is changing. We must change with it.

– Marshall Vian Summers

Resources for COVID19 and spiritual development:

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The World is Changing Because It Is A Part Of Nature.

“You are preparing for a new world, a world that has already changed, a world that has been changed by human ignorance, abuse and neglect. You passed the line some time ago, where the world changed imperceptibly, an unknown marker in the evolution of humanity.”

“Now you are in a new world—a world unlike the world you are accustomed to, a world with a changing and different climate, a world with diminishing resources, a world of polluted and contaminated rivers and soils, a world where ever-growing numbers of people will be drinking from a slowly shrinking well.”

“This is the new world. It has changed already. But people have not changed. Perhaps you have not really changed, except in superficial ways. People do not know they are living in a different world—a new world, a world that will be much more disorderly, a world where nature will change the terms of engagement in subtle and dramatic ways, a world that could have been foreseen and has been foreseen by certain prescient individuals, a world for which humanity is sadly unprepared and still does not recognize.”

Many of us cannot see life or the world objectively for we are blinded and persuaded by our own fears, our own wants and our own desires. To see Reality for what it truly is we must begin to look without preference, without belief and without assumptions. If one would just contemplate and consider this one idea and then begin to practice it in their lives one would know just how difficult this is and how much practice it will take to get good at. Fear here is what keeps us immobile because we either are in fear of losing what we have or in fear of not getting what we want. Yet, Knowledge within us is moving us forward but we must be free enough to move and many of us are not because of our fear.

The World is changing and if we cannot learn how to change with it then we will become a victim of it.

The Corona Pandemic is a good example of this. For some there is opportunity and for others struggle and suffering. To see what is coming in the future one must learn how to see the signs of the world and to feel the signs from within for they are both connected at a deeper level. The outer world and its landscapes are what we must learn how to navigate. Our inner world and what lies within us is what will help us in so many ways to navigate the times ahead. Blessings to you all for each of your lives are important because the world needs you now more than ever.

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Global Instability and Indigenous Communities

Brazil’s leaders must take immediate action to save the country’s indigenous peoples from a Covid-19 “genocide”,a global coalition of artists, celebrities, scientists and intellectuals has said.

“Just in the Brazilian Amazon we have 103 indigenous groups which have never been contacted – they represent humanity’s pre-history,” Salgado said. “We cannot allow all of this to disappear.”

 Sebastião Salgado, photojournalist

“The emphasis in the world is still on growth, on expansion. Whole economic systems are based upon growth and access to ever-greater amounts of resources. This cannot continue. That is why the change at hand is so monumental, so fundamental and far-reaching.”

Preventing collapse and the Wars of Desperation

Salgado – who is calling for the creation of an army-led taskforce to evict intruders from protected areas – admitted Bolsonaro would not act of his own volition. But he believed international pressure could force the government to do so, as happened last year when global outrage resulted in the military being deployed to extinguish fires in the Amazon.

And how will be we able to feed the hungry and restore the environment without coming together on these issues, realizing a greater context for our lives? How can we stop viewing our world as a place for expansion and growth only? We must gain new eyes.

Read “A New Message of Hope”

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Corona Virus Covid 19 is Just One Wave of Many to Hit the Shores of This World. Is Humanity Prepared?

The world we live in now is not like the world of the past. We are emerging into a New World. A world that is radically being changed by Climate Change. A world which is radically being changed because of its misuse by mankind and by mankind’s degradation of the world. By mankind’s greed and corruption and its continuous need to consume like a locust. A world which is experiencing social and political unrest. A world where there is no “normal” any longer. A world who’s biggest question NOW is: What is Normal?

“Great change is coming to the world, change unlike anything that humanity as a whole has ever seen before—Great Waves of change all converging at this time. For humanity has impacted the world in so many ways, and the results of that impact are now gathering—gathering strength, gathering force, converging at a time when humanity is largely unaware and unprepared.”

“These Great Waves are not one event. They are not one simple thing that happens at one time only, for humanity has set in motion forces of change now that it must contend with on an ongoing basis. For you are now living in a world of declining resources, a world whose climate has been seriously affected, a world whose ecological condition is deteriorating, a world where humanity will have to face the prospects of great shortages of food and water and the risks of disease and illness on a very large scale, even affecting the wealthy nations of the world. The balance has now been tipped and changed, and the human family as a whole must unite and gather together to deal with these great challenges.”

“In a world of ever-growing population and declining resources, humanity will face a great decision, a fundamental choice in which direction to go. Do nations compete and challenge each other for the remaining resources? Do they fight and struggle over who will control these resources and who will have access to these resources? For indeed, all the great wars of humanity’s turbulent past have been a struggle, fundamentally, over gaining access to and control over resources.”

“Will the wealthy nations of the world insist that their lifestyle must be preserved and therefore enter into competition and conflict with one another, further degrading the rest of the world, robbing the poorer people of the world of their own ability to sustain themselves so that some grand or indulgent lifestyle can be maintained in the wealthy nations?”

“If humanity chooses this path, it will enter a period of prolonged conflict and permanent decline. Instead of preserving and distributing the remaining resources and generating the ability to adapt to a new world condition, humanity will destroy what is left, leaving itself poor and bereft, with immense loss of human life and with very grim and grave prospects for the future.”

“Yet if humanity chooses a different path, recognizing the inherent dangers involved in facing these Great Waves of change, recognizing the seriousness of their reality and the great consequences that they can have for the well-being and for the future of humanity, then wise individuals and leaders of nations and religious institutions can recognize that divided, humanity will fail in the face of the Great Waves of change. But united, humanity can chart a new course, prepare for the impacts of the Great Waves of change and set in course the beginnings of a greater cooperation and a greater unity than humanity as a whole has ever experienced before. This will be generated now not by religious principles or by high ethics, but by sheer necessity itself.”

“The choices are few, but they are fundamental. And those choices must not be made simply by the leaders of nations and religious institutions, but by each citizen. Each person must choose whether they will fight and compete, whether they will resist the Great Waves of change, whether they will struggle with themselves and with others to maintain whatever lifestyle they are holding onto. Or will they recognize the great danger, and will they unite to begin to prepare for its impact and to build a new and different kind of future for humanity?”

God has given each of us Free Will. How we choose to live our lives and how we choose to Heal our Environment and one another is up to us. This healing process for both our world and ourselves is connected; for how we treat our environment is really how we treat ourselves. For without a healthy and sustainable environment we will cease to exist as we know it.

Real Change is Needed Here. Yet, this Real Change is Not quite what you think it may be.

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The Course of Evolution in a Changing World

“The trees can’t up and walk. So I think that the long-lived species are going to have a harder time keeping up with these increasing human-derived selection pressures.”

– Sarah Otto, a renowned theoretical biologist at the University of British Columbia

The pressures we have been putting on the natural world are creating a rapid alteration in evolution of species large and small.

“Though few are yet aware of it, it is a global emergency. You have changed the chemistry of the atmosphere, of the waters and the soils. And now the world is changing—changing so rapidly, so dangerously, changing now in ways that will affect you more than you realize.”

The Global Emergency

“It’s not evolution like you might have been taught — something that you look into fossil records to track. Now we can track this over the course of days.”

She said when species go extinct due to human pressures, or evolve to survive the world we’ve made, we lose natural “treasures.”

“Evolution is one of the most wondrous aspects of this planet. It’s led to incredible diversity of life,” she said. 

“So to be watching, as the species blink out, and the rest have to adapt to us, it really makes me take pause. I think it should make us all take pause.”

Can we still save the world?
Learn more

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A New World Reality Post-Coronavirus

The coronavirus is a great change in the world, one that will change history. Unfortunately, it has been predicted and prophesied in the Great Waves of Change book.

From the respected journal, Foreign Policy:

Like the fall of the Berlin Wall or the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the coronavirus pandemic is a world-shattering event whose far-ranging consequences we can only begin to imagine today.

This much is certain: Just as this disease has shattered lives, disrupted markets and exposed the competence (or lack thereof) of governments, it will lead to permanent shifts in political and economic power in ways that will become apparent only later.

To help us make sense of the ground shifting beneath our feet as this crisis unfolds, Foreign Policy asked 12 leading thinkers from around the world to weigh in with their predictions for the global order after the pandemic.

Read more…

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secret 11

“Now the old age draws to an end. Difficult will its ending be and turbulent. And yet you are preparing for the advent of this change and the beginning of a new order. The turmoil that you have felt in your individual lives is an indication that you are in preparation for a world in change.” – Secrets of Heaven, #11


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Let’s Remind Ourselves That We Are The Most Destructive Species On Earth


There is no wisdom in man killing what sustains man … and with it, humankind!

The backlash will not be nature fighting back! But, of nature as we know it, dying out!

Homo Sapiens… Wise Men. Not at all!? Our wisdom is highly disputable. Dinosaurs were considered unintelligent, due to the small size of their brain compared to their body size. They existed for 135 million years. They didn’t kill themselves. But, man is destroying mankind.

Our planet is not in danger. Humans are in danger. From ourselves. Humankind is on the road to extinguish ourselves. Sooner rather than later. The future for all of us is bleak. The planet will continue as it has for the 99% of the time before man, it will adjust and continue. Perhaps with other life forms, other vegetation, other landscapes.

This, and much more, has been foreseen in the prophecy of the Great Waves of Change:

You are still engaged in tribal, sectarian warfare, in competition and conflict, rapidly destroying the world’s resources in doing so. Your self-sufficiency is being lost with every passing day as you squander and diminish your natural inheritance here in the world—diminishing your most vital and fundamental resources, driving the world towards the Great Waves of change.

Read more of the Great Waves Prophecy…

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